Graphene has opened new avenues of research in quantum transport, with potentialapplications for coherent electronics. Coherent transport depends sensitively on scatteringfrom microscopic disorder present in graphene samples: electron waves traveling alongdifferent paths interfere, changing the total conductance. Weak localization is produced bythe coherent backscattering of waves, while universal conductance fluctuations are createdby summing over all paths. In this work, we obtain conductance images of weaklocalization with a liquid-He-cooled scanning probe microscope, by using the tipto create a movable scatterer in a graphene device. This technique allows us toinvestigate coherent transport with a probe of size comparable to the electronwavelength. Images of magnetoconductance versus tip position map the effectsof disorder by moving a single scatterer, revealing how electron interference ismodified by the tip perturbation. The weak localization dip in conductivity atB = 0 isobtained by averaging magnetoconductance traces at different positions of the tip-created scatterer. Thewidth ΔBWL of the dip yields an estimate of the electron coherence lengthLϕ at fixed charge density. This ‘scanning scatterer’ method provides a new way ofinvestigating coherent transport in graphene by directly perturbing the disorderconfiguration that creates these interferometric effects.
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