There was no clear relationship between the peripheral β-blocking properties of the drugs studied and their effects on brain carbohydrate metabolism. Five types of action on brain carbohydrate metabolism have been observed. 1. (a) increased glucose uptake and glycogenesis and decreased glycolysis (propranolol) 2. (b) increased glycogenesis and reduced glycolyis without glucose uptake being affected (INPEA, LB 46 and dl -alprenolol) 3. (c) increased glycogenesis without affecting glucose uptake or glycolysis (desoxypropranolol) 4. (d) increased glycogenolysis and glycolysis ( d -alprenolol) 5. (e) increased glycogenolysis without affecting glycolysis (sotalol). Practolol did not have an effect on any of the parameters of brain carbohydrate metabolism studied.
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