Abstract We present a reciprocity and unitarity preserving formulation of the scattering of a scalar plane wave from a two-dimensional, randomly rough surface on which the Neumann boundary condition is satisfied. The theory is formulated on the basis of the Rayleigh hypothesis in terms of a single-particle Green's function G(q‖|k‖) for the surface electromagnetic waves that exist at the surface due to its roughness, where k‖ and q‖ are the projections on the mean scattering plane of the wave vectors of the incident and scattered waves, respectively. The specular scattering is expressed in terms of the average of this Green's function over the ensemble of realizations of the surface profile function (G(q‖|k‖)). The Dyson equation satisfied by (G(q‖|k‖)) is presented, and the properties of the solution are discussed, with particular attention to the proper self-energy in terms of which the averaged Green's function is expressed. The diffuse scattering is expressed in terms of the ensemble average of a two-p...
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