Recently, Lee et al. introduced a novel blind rotation technique utilizing ring automorphisms also known as LMKCDEY. Among known prominent blind rotation methods, LMKCDEY stands out because of its minimal key size and efficient runtime for arbitrary secret keys, although Chillotti et al.’s approach, commonly referred to as CGGI, offers faster runtime when using binary or ternary secrets. In this paper, we propose an enhancement to LMKCDEY’s runtime by incorporating auxiliary keys that encrypt the negated values of secret key elements. Our method not only achieves faster execution than LMKCDEY but also maintains a smaller key size compared to the ternary version of CGGI. Moreover, the proposed technique is compatible with LMKCDEY with only minimal adjustments. Experimental results with OpenFHE demonstrate that our approach can improve bootstrapping runtime by 5–28%, depending on the chosen parameters.
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