Solvenian Abstract: Prispevek obravnava pregled informacij v zvezi s primerom izbrisani v Sloveniji predvsem skozi prizmo sodelovanja mednarodnih organizacij za varstvo clovekovih pravic. Pri tem avtor uvodoma predstavi kljucne pojme in njihov pomen ter v nadaljevanju opise problematiko izbrisa in nastop mednarodnih organizacij za varovanje clovekovih pravic, tu predvsem pravne poti, pritožbe in posledicno sodbe Evropskega sodisca za clovekove pravice. V nadaljevanju opise aktualno stanje primera ter nakaže odprta vprasanja in težave, ki se cakajo resitev, nato pa v sklepnih besedah zakljuci s povzetkom ugotovitev in upanjem na boljsi jutri za vse vpletene.English Abstract: The paper considers information relating to the case of Erased in Slovenia mainly from the aspect of international cooperation for protection of human rights. The author initially presents key terms and their definitions, the main issues of the erasure and the role of international organizations for protection of human rights; the judicial proceedings and consequently the appeal and the judgment of the European Court for Human Rights (ECHR). The paper describes the current status of the case, the outstanding issues and problems that still await solution. The paper is divided into five chapters. In the first chapter there is an introduction followed by definition of the terms used: Human Rights, International Organizations and International Protection of Human Rights, Erased, Erasure. In the second chapter there is the history of erasure, how it took place, who were the victims and why were they put in such a position. It also points out what is the key issue for the erased and subsequently what was the key argument in the case that took place in the courts in Slovenia and later in Strasbourg. Based on the various arguments on how the erasure was made and the political manipulation of the erasure and the erased, the author also suggests that the act itself was no coincidence.
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