From cadavers ranging from newborn to 78 years of age, 122 laryngeal specimens were collected and the epiglottis, ventricular band, glottic space, vocal cords as well as the subglottis, lining epithelium of the arytenoid, tunica propria of mucous membrane, lymphatic structure and submucous tissue were morphologically studied. It was then noted that these tissues showed a systematic pattern of their changes with increasing age. The results were as follows:1) Epithelial cells of mucous membraneCiliated columnar epithelium lining the most part of the larynx except for the vocal cords which were covered by stratified squamous cells was gradually displaced by stratified squamous epithelium with aging process. On the laryngeal surface of the epiglottis stratified squamous epithelium spread from the upper to the lower part, and in the ventricle it spread from the ventricular band and the lateral edge of the vocal cord into the ventricle, and in the subglottis and arytenoid it spread toward the trachea. Over the age of 50 years, stratified squamous and ciliated columnar epithelium became thinner.2) Tunica propriaIt was particulary prominent in the epiglottis and ventricle in newborn but its increase and decrease in amount were related with development and regression of the subepithelial tissue associated with advancing age. This change was not prominent in the subglottis, and tunica propria became increased with associated inflammatory change in the arytenoid area.3) LymphaticsThe lymphatic system was not well developed in the lingual surface of the epiglottis, and in the laryngeal surface primary lymph nodules and in the arytenoid and ventricle primary and secondary nodules became apparent. The secondary nodules were no more detected over 30 years of age.4) Glandular tissueGlands were sparse in newborn but much better developed with growing age up to 19 years. Over 40 years regression of glandular tissue and increase of its surrounding connective tissue took place with increasing age. But in the subglottic area there was no remarkable change in the glandular tissue.5) Ligaments and muscles ot tne vocal cordsIn newborn larynx ligaments and muscles showed paucity of their amount, but in puberty elastic fibers in the ligaments were increased and after second decade the ligaments showed marked changes. Muscle bundle in the vocal cords much more developed with advancing age but after second decade it was changed morphologically and interstitial substance became abundant.
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