The branches of the shrub Aniba lancifolia Kubitzki et Rodrigues (Lauraceae) contain besides 2-hydroxy-4,5- dimethoxyallylbenzene and its dimer cyclohexan-2-allyl- 5-en-4,5-dimethoxy-4- O-(2′-allyl-4′,5′-dimethoxyphenyl)-1-one (lancilin, 2) 6 further novel neolignans: (4 S,2′ R)- and (4 R,2′ E)-cyclohexan-2-allyl-2,5-dien-4,5-dimethoxy-4-[2′-(1′-guaiacyl)-propyl]-1-one (lancifolins A and B, 3a and 3b), (4 S,2′ R)- and (4 R,2′ R)-cyclohexan- 2-allyl-2,5-dien-4,5-dimethoxy-4-[2′-(1′-veratryl)-propyl]-1-one (lancifolins C and D, 3c and 3d), (4 S,2′ R)-and (4 R,2′ R)-cyclohexan-2-allyl-2,5-dien-4,5-dimethoxy-4-[2′-(1′-piperonyl)-propyl]-1-one (lancifolins E and F, 3e and 3f).
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