2 Oz: Bu caliĢmada, erkek ve diĢi Ankara kecisi oglaklarinda, pubertas oncesi donemde ortalama yuksek sicaklik gosteren aylarda kalsiyum (Ca) ve fosfor (P) kan serum seviyeleri araĢtirilmiĢtir. AraĢtirma sonucunda; Mayis, Haziran, Temmuz ve Agustos aylarinda diĢi ve erkek oglaklarda Ca ve P seviyeleri sirasiyla, 9.510.112, 9.990.116, 9.370.089, 9.210.079 mg/dl; 9.920.128, 10.050.151, 9.630.099, 9.640.086 mg/dl ve 9.540.129, 12.380.268, 8.450.159, 8.270.169 mg/dl; 9.800.123, 12.710.192, 8.370.142, 8.260.127 mg/dl olarak saptanmiĢtir. Ca ve P duzeyinin, yuksek cevre sicakligindan onemli (P<0.05, P<0.01) duzeyde etkilendikleri belirlenmiĢtir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Ankara kecisi, oglak, kalsiyum, fosfor Abstract: In this study, changes of calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P) levels in the blood serume of pre- pubertal Angora goat kids, during the months of high average temperature were researched. As a result of the research, the Ca and P levels in the female and male kids, during the months of May, June, July, and August, were found to be, 9.510.112, 9.990.116, 9.370.089, 9.210.079 mg/dl; 9.920.128, 10.050.151, 9.630.099, 9.640.086 mg/dl and 9.540.129, 12.380.268, 8.450.159, 8.270.169 mg/dl; 9.800.123, 12.710.192, 8.370.142, 8.260.127 mg/dl respectively. It was determined that the Ca and P levels were significantly affected (P<0.05, P<0.01) by the high environmental temperature.
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