The issues related to the design of stabilization systems for aviation and rocket and space technology from the point of view of ensuring the main target function are considered: the system in operation must satisfy all the specified quality indicators, provided that it provides fault tolerance for a specified period of time. The general principles of designing fault-tolerant systems are analyzed in relation to the areas of Continuum, Fault Tolerant, Control by Diagnosis, which include modularity, independence of failures, redundancy, and quick failure detection. At the same time, the basic principles of improving fault tolerance are summarized and tabulated for clarity, among which are highlighted such as optimization, analytical redundancy, functional redundancy, reconfiguration, as well as the principles of quick failure detection based on self-monitoring and redundancy results. For systems with active fault-tolerance, examples are given of constructing diagnostic systems and making decisions about the serviceability of angular velocity sensors (AVS) used in aircraft stabilization channels. Specific schemes are presented and analyzed from the point of view of obtaining diagnosis results: schemes for constructing diagnostic systems based on two AVS by comparing their output signals, a hardware implementation diagram of a gyroscopic type AVS diagnostic unit with a potentiometric output transducer and a system for automatically switching a failed AVS to a similar backup one, and the scheme and principle of diagnostics with one working AVS in the autopilot scheme and one working outside the autopilot scheme. In order to reduce the overall mass characteristics during the design of aircraft stabilization systems with PD controllers, a reconfiguration scheme of the original system is proposed for failures of both the angle sensor (AS) and the angular velocity sensor. In addition, a directly algorithmic method was proposed for identifying faulty of AS and AVS in static-type autopilots, for which purpose components of the failure vector were introduced into the equations describing the dynamics of the aircraft stabilization system in the state space, by the state of which it is easy to determine the failed sensor.
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