Previous articleNext article No AccessThe Concept of Corrective Justice in Recent Theories of Tort LawRichard A. PosnerRichard A. Posner Search for more articles by this author PDFPDF PLUS Add to favoritesDownload CitationTrack CitationsPermissionsReprints Share onFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail SectionsMoreDetailsFiguresReferencesCited by The Journal of Legal Studies Volume 10, Number 1Jan., 1981 Sponsored by The University of Chicago Law School Article DOI Views: 112Total views on this site Citations: 26Citations are reported from Crossref Copyright 1981 The University of ChicagoPDF download Crossref reports the following articles citing this article:Kumie Hattori Responsibilities for Climate Damage within Borders: Reconciling Liability with Shared Responsibility, Philosophies 6, no.33 (Aug 2021): 65. Bonnitcha, Zoe Phillips Williams State liability for ‘politically’ motivated conduct in the investment treaty regime, Leiden Journal of International Law 33, no.11 (Nov 2019): 77–100. Wongkaew Protection of Legitimate Expectations in Investment Treaty Arbitration, 6 (Feb 2019). Alzola Beware of the Watchdog: Rethinking the Normative Justification of Gatekeeper Liability, Journal of Business Ethics 140, no.44 (Mar 2017): 705–721. D. White On the Relevance of Wrongfulness to the Concept of Externalities, OEconomia , no.5-35-3 (Sep 2015): 313–329. Barnett Distributive justice and proprietary remedies over bribes, Legal Studies 35, no.22 (Jan 2018): 302–322. N. Cofone The Limits of Probabilistic Causality in Law, Global Jurist 15, no.11 (Jan 2015). Thomas Caunt Hows, Whys, and But-Fors: Theorizing, Comparing, and Solution Finding within the Principle of Material Contribution to Risk in the Law of Negligence, SSRN Electronic Journal (Jan 2015). Mariano The Law of Torts and the Logic of Lynching in Charles Chesnutt's The Marrow of Tradition, PMLA/Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 128, no.33 (Oct 2020): 559–574.ë Sinel Concerns about Corrective Justice, Canadian Journal of Law & Jurisprudence 26, no.11 (Jul 2015): 137–155. C. Keating THE PRIORITY OF RESPECT OVER REPAIR, Legal Theory 18, no.33 (Jul 2012): 293–337. Noah Smith Ideas of Justice: Positive, (Oct 2009): 161–187. Pagano Marrying in the Cathedral: A Framework for the Analysis of Corporate Governance, SSRN Electronic Journal (Jan 2009). A. Farber Tort Law in the Era of Climate Change, Katrina and 9/11: Exploring Liability for Extraordinary Risks, SSRN Electronic Journal (Jan 2008). D. White A Kantian critique of neoclassical law and economics, Review of Political Economy 18, no.22 (Aug 2006): 235–252. R. Reiff Punishment, Compensation, and Law, 77 (Aug 2009). Pagano Public markets, private orderings and corporate governance, International Review of Law and Economics 20, no.44 (Dec 2000): 453–477. Pagano Public Markets, Private Orderings and Corporate Governance, SSRN Electronic Journal (Jan 1999). J. Levinson Making Government Pay: Markets, Politics, and the Allocation of Constitutional Costs, SSRN Electronic Journal (Jan 1999). Stone On the Idea of Private Law, Canadian Journal of Law & Jurisprudence 9, no.22 (Jun 2015): 235–277. R. Curren Punishment and Inclusion: The Presuppositions of Corrective Justice in Aristotle and What They Imply, Canadian Journal of Law & Jurisprudence 8, no.22 (Jun 2015): 259–274. L. Sherwin An Essay on Private Remedies, Canadian Journal of Law & Jurisprudence 6, no.11 (Jun 2015): 89–112. J. WEINRIB Aristotle's Forms of Justice, Ratio Juris 2, no.33 (Dec 1989): 211–226. Jules Coleman Corrective Justice and Wrongful Gain, The Journal of Legal Studies 11, no.22 (Sep 2015): 421–440. Mackaay Economic Analysis of Major Common Law Doctrines, (Jan 1982): 31–79. A. Posner Review Article Lawyers as Philosophers: Ackerman and Others, American Bar Foundation Research Journal 6, no.11 (Nov 2018): 231–249.
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