This study describes an early site on the northern coast of West Java, affected by the Austronesian culture—Subanglarang near Binong in the Subang Regency. Geologically, during the 2000–1000 BP interval, it was part of the coastline of the northern coast of West Java, situated more than 5 m asl. During the 2013 surveys and excavations in 2016 and 2018, five burials were revealed. On the basis of the fragments of red-slipped pottery, pickaxes, beads of various shape and size, and metal weapons, the site is dated to the Bronze Age. Artifacts similar to those of early Austronesians were discovered. The analysis of various beads from Subanglarang attests to trade relations with other areas. Further excavations on the northern coast of West Java will hopefully shed more light on the life of the Bronze Age people of that area.