In view of the application status and technical challenges of steel–wood composite joints in architecture, this paper proposes an innovative connection technology to solve issues such as susceptibility to pry-out at beam–column joints and low load-bearing capacity and to provide various reinforcement methods in order to meet the different structural requirements and economic benefits. By designing and manufacturing four groups of beam–column joint specimens with different reinforcement methods, including no reinforcement, structural adhesive and angle steel reinforcement, 4 mm thick steel sleeve reinforcement, and 6 mm thick steel sleeve reinforcement, monotonic loading tests and finite element simulations were carried out, respectively. This research found that unreinforced specimens and structural adhesive angle steel-reinforced joints exhibited obvious mortise and tenon compression deformation and, moreover, tenon pulling phenomena at load values of approximately 2 kN and 2.6 kN, respectively. However, the joint reinforced by a steel sleeve showed a significant improvement in the tenon pulling phenomenon and demonstrated excellent initial stiffness characteristics. The failure mode of the steel sleeve-reinforced joints is primarily characterized by the propagation of cracks at the edges of the steel plate and the tearing of the wood, but the overall structure remains intact. The initial rotational stiffness of the joints reinforced with angle steel and self-tapping screws, the joints reinforced with 4 mm thick steel sleeves, and the joints reinforced with 6 mm thick steel sleeves are 3.96, 6.99, and 13.62 times that of the pure wooden joints, while the ultimate bending moments are 1.97, 7.11, and 7.39 times, respectively. Using finite element software to simulate four groups of joints to observe their stress changes, the areas with high stress in the joints without sleeve reinforcement are mainly located at the upper and lower ends of the tenon, where the compressive stress at the upper edge of the tenon and the tensile stress at the lower flange are both distributed along the grain direction of the beam. The stress on the column sleeve of the joints reinforced with steel sleeves and bolts is relatively low, while the areas with high strain in the beam sleeve are mainly concentrated on the side with the welded stiffeners and its surroundings; the strain around the bolt holes is also quite noticeable.
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