The article examines the issue of the attitude of city governments to the development of education in the late 19th and early 20th century on the example of the county town of Chistopol. The purpose of the study is to identify the main trends in the activities of the City Duma in the field of education during the period under review. The public administration allocated a significant part of its budget for education, much like the provincial city of Kazan. Although Chistopol, due to its large population, lagged behind many other county towns in terms of education coverage, the Duma tried its best to increase the number of schools. Great importance was attached to secondary education, both male and female. Repeated attempts were made to transfer secondary educational institutions to a higher level – from gymnasiums to gymnasiums, which was done at the beginning of the 20th century. Funds were allocated for the development of vocational education and Russian classes at the madrasah. As a result of the research, the author concludes that the activities of the City Duma contributed to the significant development of the educational network of Chistopol. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that in historiography, as a rule, either the provincial city or the county towns of the entire province as a whole are considered. Meanwhile, county towns were not a homogeneous phenomenon, they could differ significantly in size, economic structure, and social composition. The study of the educational policy of Chistopol allows us to more fully identify the trends inherent in a particular county town, and in the future, with the accumulation of similar material for other cities, to identify similar and distinctive characteristics of each of them.
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