For safety-critical systems such as aircrafts and submarines, mission abort is commonly deployed to enhance system survivability at the cost of reducing mission success probability. In addition to mission abort, protective device can also mitigate the failure risk of safety-critical systems by reducing the magnitude of external shocks. Considering the effect of protective device on system failure behavior, this article proposes a condition-based mission abort policy where a mission is terminated and rescue procedure starts immediately if the state of system is worse than a control limit. Based on the developed mission abort policy, mission reliability and system survivability are evaluated to analyze the risk of mission failure and system failure. The optimal mission abort threshold balancing the tradeoff between mission reliability and system survivability is investigated. Furthermore, the joint optimization of mission abort and protective device selection policies is explored by simultaneously optimizing the defensive factor and abort threshold. A numerical example on a hydraulic system is presented to illustrate the applicability of the proposedpolicies.
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