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Integrating Fiber Broadband and 5G Network: Synergies and Challenges

The integration of fiber broadband and 5G networks represents a significant leap forward in telecommunications, promising to revolutionize connectivity and enable a plethora of advanced applications. This research paper delves into the synergy between fiber broadband and 5G, examining the technological, economic, and societal impacts of this convergence. By leveraging the high bandwidth and low latency of fiber optics alongside the ultra-fast wireless capabilities of 5G, this integration offers unprecedented network performance and reliability.[1] We explore the key components that make this integration possible, including the deployment of fiber optic infrastructure, the utilization of 5G technology, and the role of edge computing in reducing latency. The paper highlights the numerous benefits of fiber-5G integration, such as enhanced connectivity, increased network reliability, and support for emerging technologies like IoT and smart cities.[2] However, the integration also presents several challenges, including the high costs and logistical complexities of infrastructure deployment, technological compatibility issues, and security concerns. Through detailed case studies, we illustrate real-world implementations of fiber-5G integration, showcasing the practical benefits and solutions to these challenges.[3] Looking ahead, the paper discusses future prospects for fiber-5G integration, emphasizing the potential of AI-driven network management, advanced edge computing, and network slicing to further enhance network capabilities. Ultimately, this research underscores the transformative potential of fiber broadband and 5G integration in shaping the future of telecommunications and driving innovation across various sectors. Keywords: Fiber Optics, 5G, Network Integration, Fiber- Wireless convergence, Edge Computing

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IoT-Integrated Smart Energy Meter for Industrial Energy Monitoring

- Electric energy monitoring in industrial loads like pressure die casting is extremely vital especially due to their energy handling requirements. This work details the conception and implementation of an Internet of Things based Smart Energy Meter designed specifically for Industrial purposes. The system can measure three-phase voltage, current (up to 100A) and furnace temperatures with the aid of Resistance Temperature detectors. Using the ESP32 microcontroller and the Blynk Internet of things platform, the meter enables the collection, storage, and displaying of the data on the Cloud in real time. In order to enhance accuracy, the hardware architecture combines ZMPT101B voltage sensors, SCT-013-000 current sensors and a MAX31865 Resistance Temperature detector module. The software part of the system uses the Open-Energy Monitor library which contains various algorithms for energy calculations and transfers data over Serial peripheral interface/Wi-Fi protocols. The system has been tested in an industrial setting and the results have shown an accuracy of measurement within a tolerance of 1% for electrical and thermal characteristics plus a normal operation for variable conditions. The presented results prove the possibility of intra- system energy optimization and the industrial prospects of its application. Promising research directions include the addition of predictive maintenance features based on machine learning as well as more efficient scaling to support many different industrial applications. Key Words: Smart Energy Meter, IoT, ESP32, RTD Sensors, Energy Monitoring, Industrial Automation

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Unlocking the Full Potential of High-Value Licenses through License Management Systems

In today's fast-paced digital world, businesses rely on software for nearly everything. From operations to innovation, it's all powered by tech. But is managing software licenses possible? That's getting trickier. As companies grow and adopt more diverse tech, keeping track of what's being used, where, and by whom is harder. License Management Systems (LMS) come to help in such scenarios. These tools have become a game-changer for businesses trying to grasp their software assets. The Customer Communications Management (CCM) community is fully committed to License Management Systems (LMS), and it is reasonable. It's not only about checking the compliance requirements when companies use an LMS. It is about optimizing the CCM tools to the maximum. Therefore, Companies see to it that every tool is deployed and used properly. The LMS system adoption is the main driver of these Benefits lower costs. lower risks. and all software resources are fully aligned with what the company needs. This smooth data exchange between the company and the customer enhances the service, simplifies the workflows, and ensures that everything is in sync with the customer's needs. Keywords License Management Systems (LMS), Customer Communications Management (CCM) systems

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An Analysis of Banana Cultivation in Wayanad District, Kerala

Objective: analyse area and production, to examine the production, cost performance and socio-economic problems of banana cultivation in Wayanad district in Kerala. Methods/statistical analysis: This study relies completely primary information obtained from the banana cultivators from the selected study area. The research design of the present study included in selection of study areas, selection of sample farmers, collection of data, analysis of data and presenting findings selection of study area purposive sampling procedure was followed for the selection of the study area. First the data of Krishi bhavan under all four blocks of Wayanad were selected, through Krishi bhavan officers, information about banana cultivators was selected. Then 100 farmers were randomly selected from among them. Findings: From the income analysis it seen that majority of the cultivators are earn 1lakh to 3 lakhs. Nendran variety is more profitable than other varieties followed by robusta variety. Among the main problem faced by the banana cultivators most of the respondents are reported natural calamities are main reason. high cost of production is the second most problem faced by banana cultivators. Many of those who had previously taken crop insurance are not now willing to take insurance because of the amount due is not received on time. When the price of bananas falls, farmers incur higher costs to get them to VFPCK stores to get the support price given by the government. Application/improvement: It is suggested that casuarina may be planted around the banana’s place of cultivation as a windbreaker to save the banana plants from lodging due to heavy wind. The banks and co-operatives should make necessary arrangements to increase the loan amount to meet the requirement of the cultivators. set up more VFPCK stores where banana farmers can easily access them.

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Investigate Advanced Techniques for Power System Protection, Fault Detection, and Restoration to Enhance the Reliability and Resilience of Electrical Grids

Investigate Advanced Techniques for Power System Protection, Fault Detection, and Restoration is a critical area of study aimed at enhancing the reliability and resilience of electrical grids. As modern power systems face increasing complexities due to the integration of renewable energy sources, aging infrastructure, and growing demand for electricity, innovative protection strategies have become essential to mitigate risks associated with electrical faults and disturbances. The significance of this topic lies not only in improving the operational efficiency of power systems but also in minimizing economic losses and ensuring public safety. Advanced techniques in power system protection encompass a range of methodologies, including the implementation of digital protective relays, circuit breakers, and sophisticated communication systems. These technologies enable real-time monitoring and rapid fault detection, which are vital for maintaining continuous power supply. The evolution of machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) has further revolutionized this field by facilitating self-healing grids that can autonomously detect, diagnose, and restore service after outages, significantly reducing outage durations and enhancing reliability metrics such as the System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI). Despite the advancements, challenges remain, particularly concerning cyber security risks, regulatory compliance, and the adaptation of protection schemes to accommodate fluctuating energy sources. These complexities necessitate ongoing research and development to create adaptive systems capable of responding to dynamic operational conditions while safeguarding infrastructure integrity. Moreover, the integration of emerging technologies must balance innovation with practical application, ensuring that protective measures not only meet current needs but also anticipate future demands within the energy sector. This investigation into advanced power system protection techniques is pivotal for addressing the pressing issues of system reliability and resilience in the face of evolving electrical grid dynamics. It highlights the critical role of technology in modernizing utility operations and lays the groundwork for future advancements in grid management and outage restoration strategies. Key Words: Power system protection, Fault detection, Distributed Energy Resources (DERs), Islanding, Grid reconnection, Fault localization, Microgrid protection, Fault current variability, System resilience

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