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Theory of epigenetic switching due to stochastic histone mark loss during DNA replication

How much information does a cell inherit from its ancestors beyond its genetic sequence? What are the epigenetic mechanisms that allow this? Despite the rise in available epigenetic data, how such information is inherited through the cell cycle is still not fully understood. Often, epigenetic marks can display bistable behaviour and their bistable state is transmitted to daughter cells through the cell cycle, providing the cell with a form of memory. However, loss-of-memory events also take place, where a daughter cell switches epigenetic state (with respect to the mother cell). Here, we develop a framework to compute these epigenetic switching rates, for the case when they are driven by DNA replication, i.e. the frequency of loss-of-memory events due to replication. We consider the dynamics of histone modifications during the cell cycle deterministically, except at DNA replication, where nucleosomes are randomly distributed between the two daughter DNA strands, which is therefore implemented stochastically. This hybrid stochastic-deterministic approach enables an analytic derivation of the replication-driven switching rate. While retaining great simplicity, this framework can explain experimental switching rate data, establishing its biological importance as a framework to quantitatively study epigenetic inheritance.

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Open Access
Two fitness inference schemes compared using allele frequencies from 1068 391 sequences sampled in the UK during the COVID-19 pandemic

Throughout the course of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, genetic variation has contributed to the spread and persistence of the virus. For example, various mutations have allowed SARS-CoV-2 to escape antibody neutralization or to bind more strongly to the receptors that it uses to enter human cells. Here, we compared two methods that estimate the fitness effects of viral mutations using the abundant sequence data gathered over the course of the pandemic. Both approaches are grounded in population genetics theory but with different assumptions. One approach, tQLE, features an epistatic fitness landscape and assumes that alleles are nearly in linkage equilibrium. Another approach, MPL, assumes a simple, additive fitness landscape, but allows for any level of correlation between alleles. We characterized differences in the distributions of fitness values inferred by each approach and in the ranks of fitness values that they assign to sequences across time. We find that in a large fraction of weeks the two methods are in good agreement as to their top-ranked sequences, i.e. as to which sequences observed that week are most fit. We also find that agreement between the ranking of sequences varies with genetic unimodality in the population in a given week.

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Open Access
Variability in individual native fibrin fiber mechanics

Fibrin fibers are important structural elements in blood coagulation. They form a mesh network that acts as a scaffold and imparts mechanical strength to the clot. A review of published work measuring the mechanics of fibrin fibers reveals a range of values for fiber extensibility. This study investigates fibrinogen concentration as a variable responsible for variability in fibrin mechanics. It expands previous work to describe the modulus, strain hardening, extensibility, and the force required for fiber failure when fibers are formed with different fibrinogen concentrations using lateral force atomic force microscopy. Analysis of the mechanical properties showed fibers formed from 1 mg ml-1and 2 mg ml-1fibrinogen had significantly different mechanical properties. To help clarify our findings we developed two behavior profiles to describe individual fiber mechanics. The first describes a fiber with low initial modulus and high extensible, that undergoes significant strain hardening, and has moderate strength. Most fibers formed with 1 mg ml-1fibrinogen had this behavior profile. The second profile describes a fiber with a high initial modulus, minimal strain hardening, high strength, and low extensibility. Most fibrin fibers formed with 2 mg ml-1fibrinogen were described by this second profile. In conclusion, we see a range of behaviors from fibers formed from native fibrinogen molecules but various fibrinogen concentrations. Potential differences in fiber formation are investigated with SEM. It is likely this range of behaviors also occursin vivo. Understanding the variability in mechanical properties could contribute to a deeper understanding of pathophysiology of coagulative disorders.

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Open Access