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The Influence of Transformational Leadership Style and Compensation on Teacher Performance through Organizational Commitment as an Intervening Variable

This study aims to determine the influence of transformational leadership style and compensation on teacher performance with organizational commitment as an intervening variable in the Malik Ibrahim Gresik Islamic Foundation Educational Institution. The quantitative approach uses a saturated sampling method, where the entire population is sampled. Data was collected through a questionnaire given to teachers at the institution and then analyzed using path analysis techniques to test the relationship between variables. The results of the study show that transformational leadership style has a significant influence on teacher performance. The better the transformational leadership style implementation, the higher the teachers' performance. On the other hand, compensation does not significantly influence teacher performance, which means that the increase in compensation does not directly impact improving teacher performance. However, through organizational commitment as an intervening variable, it was found that organizational commitment plays an important role in mediating the influence of transformational leadership style on teacher performance. These results show that teacher performance can be improved through transformational leadership and increased organizational commitment. This research provides practical implications for the management of educational institutions, especially in developing transformational leadership styles and strengthening organizational commitment to improve teacher performance.

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Open Access
Islamic Education of Civil Society in the Perspective of Sociology

This research aims to explore the role of Islamic religious education in shaping civil society through the perspective of religious sociology. Islamic religious education aims to make humans the caliph on earth and integrate religious teachings with the social system that prevails in society. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method with a literature approach, and data analysis is carried out using the content analysis method. The study results show that Islamic religious education facilitates understanding social concepts because Islam has a social purpose. In addition, the sociological approach plays an important role in understanding the meanings of the Qur'an as it relates to social life. Sociology, from the perspective of religion, is a view of life that is considered important in people's lives and has a close relationship with each other. Religion also plays a role in shaping the social structure of society. In the study of the sociology of religion, the focus is on social phenomena in religious societies, not only on religious teachings themselves. This study concludes that Islamic religious education is important in shaping the character of a civilized and common welfare-oriented society. For further research, it is recommended to conduct an empirical study on implementing Islamic religious education in a multicultural society and its impact on social harmony.

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Open Access
Ecopedagogy and Environmental Literacy in Research Trends in Indonesia

This study analyzes the trend and development of eco-pedagogy literacy in Indonesia from 2016 to 2024. The method used was a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) with the PRISMA protocol, analyzing 27 articles that met the inclusion criteria. The results of this study showed 1) a significant increase in the number of publications related to eco pedagogy literacy, especially publications in 2023, 2) Qualitative research with high school students as subjects and questionnaires as research tools are often used, 3) Problem-Based Learning (PBL) and Contextual Learning (CL) are the most common learning strategies applied in eco pedagogy. In addition, environmental awareness is the theme most often associated with ecopedagogy literacy in Indonesia. The study also revealed that the Research and Development (RnD) approach is rarely applied, so there are opportunities for developing innovative learning modules and educational media that are more interactive in introducing eco-pedagogy. This research contributes to understanding how environmental education can be strengthened through eco pedagogy and encourages further research that focuses on using technology in learning to improve environmental literacy. As such, the findings are highly relevant to supporting the development of more sustainable education programs in Indonesia.

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Open Access
Barriers and Strategies: Analysis of the Implementation of Independent Learning Independent Campus (MBKM) at PTKI in Aceh

The objective of this study is to analyze the challenges encountered in the implementation of the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) policy in Islamic Religious Colleges (PTKI) in Aceh and to propose strategies to address these challenges and enhance the effectiveness of policy implementation. The study focuses specifically on implementing the MBKM policy in PTKI in Aceh, which is noteworthy due to the unique obstacles relating to infrastructure and human resources in this region. The study offers strategic solutions that can be employed to improve the effectiveness of MBKM policy implementation. Furthermore, it provides valuable insights for other universities in Indonesia that may confront similar challenges in implementing the MBKM policy. This study employs a descriptive qualitative approach to investigate PTKI subjects, using interviews, observations, and policy document analysis. The findings reveal that significant obstacles, including a lack of understanding and awareness, limited technological infrastructure, insufficient internet access, and financial constraints impede the implementation of PTKI in Aceh. To overcome these challenges, strategic efforts are needed to raise awareness and educate stakeholders about MBKM, upgrade technology and internet infrastructure, enhance human resource readiness and training, revise internal policies to support the flexibility of MBKM better, streamline bureaucratic processes, and explore additional or alternative sources of funding to support program implementation.

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Open Access
Islamic Boarding School Alumni Network in the Development of Islamic Religious Education in Meranti Islands Regency

This study aims to examine the Alumni Network of Islamic Boarding Schools in the development of Islamic religious education in the Meranti Islands Regency. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research that focuses on the alumni network of Islamic boarding schools in developing Islamic religious education, especially in the Meranti Islands Regency, and then presents and describes it as it is. The population in this study is alumni of Islamic boarding schools who are members of the BKAPP Organization using data collection techniques using interviews and documentation. The analysis technique in this study uses data triangulation. The results of the study show that the establishment of BKAPP is a form of real alumni service to teachers, society, and the state as a form of totality to be human, humanized, and humanized and as a foundation in developing Islamic religious education in Meranti Islands Regency. The Islamic boarding school alumni network comprises not only Islamic boarding school alumni but also the community. This makes the BKAPP alumni organization unique and different from alumni organizations. The contribution of Islamic boarding school alumni can be seen in existing Islamic boarding school educational institutions. The existence of Islamic boarding school alumni motivates the community to race against each other and make education important.

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Open Access
Implementation of Character Building Training in the Framework of Cultivating a Moderate Attitude of Religion in Students

This study examines the implementation of Character Building Training (PPK) and the content delivered. This qualitative study involved 60 students, and eight lecturers selected using purposive sampling and snowball sampling techniques, with data collection considered sufficient if it has reached saturation point. Data was collected through observation and in-depth interviews from June to September 2022. Data analysis was carried out manually using the Discovering Cultural Themes model, including data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions and verification. The study results indicate that PPK is implemented through a PPK campaign cycle, capacity building, and institutionalization with an approach including mentoring, learning, guidance, and support. The content includes attitudes and values, skills, knowledge, and integrative moderate insights, strengthening tolerant, open, critical, caring, and creative behavior, respecting differences, and behaving politely. The CBT program has specifically strengthened the religious character and love of the homeland, with the most significant improvements in this area. The implications and contributions of this study highlight the importance of continuous character education among youth as a tool to strengthen religious moderation.

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Open Access
Bibliometric Analysis of Character Education in Senior High School Indonesian Textbooks Based on the Merdeka Curriculum

This study aims to understand the publication trend and research contribution related to character education in Indonesian high school textbooks based on the Merdeka Curriculum from 2015 to 2024. Character education is crucial for student development, and textbooks play a central role. Using bibliometric analysis, the study identified 428 publications from Google Scholar and Scopus, including journal articles, proceedings, reviews, and books. Journal articles dominated with 363 publications, followed by 30 proceedings, 32 books, and three reviews. The study focused on the number of publications and the issues underlying the keyword emergence. While 2023 had the highest number of publications (75), 2018 saw the highest citations (890) and h-index (14), indicating significant influence. The highly cited study "Strategy and Implementation of Character Education in Senior High Schools and Vocational High Schools" had 135 citations. Keyword analysis using VOSviewer revealed that "Indonesian textbook" was the most popular topic, particularly concerning gender representation and basic education. Despite increased productivity, recent publications need higher impact, achievable through improved research quality, appropriate journal selection, online dissemination, collaboration, and scientific community engagement. The focus on gender representation and basic education should be sharpened for inclusive teaching materials and to instill positive values early in Indonesian education. This study provides valuable insights and direction for future research and practice in character education within the Independent Curriculum framework.

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Open Access