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Breeding assessment of experimental downy mildew-resistant sunflower hybrids

To determine the resistance of new sunflower starting materials to downy powdery mildew using differentiator lines. To determine the stability of plant performance and height in F1 derived from lines - donors of resistance to downy mildew in three crossing types in comparison with reference accessions bred by us. Methods. Using our own methods, to assess the presence of genetic determinants Pl, which control resistance of lines and hybrids to the pathogens of downy mildew races 710, 730, and 330, which are distributed in the eastern Forest-steppe of Ukraine, in an artificial climate. Field trials in 2022-2023 were done with assessments of major economically valuable features by conventional methods. Results. The results of the breeding assessments of the new sunflower starting materials for resistance to downy mildew in the laboratory and field trials were obtained. The effect of donors of resistance to the pathogen, Plasmopara helianthi, such as X06134ВPl, X06135ВPl, and X777БPl, on the endurance of new F1s with a significant increase in the plant performance compared to the check accessions (simple hybrid “Kadet” and three-line hybrid “Zlatson”) was proven. Negative selection was demonstrated for plant height: new plants were not taller than reference ones. It has a positive effect on plant height in an agrocenosis, which does not decrease its yield when grown in the conditions of current agriculture production. Conclusions. Promising reference accessions of resistance to downy mildew were identified: line X06135ВPl (minidisc), X06134ВPl (multidisc), and X777BPl (pollen sterility fixer), which are immune to the causative agent of downy mildew local races. The resistance of the best new hybrids to downy mildew in comparison with the specified references was characterized. Experimental hybrids of three groups: restored simple hybrids, sterile simple hybrids, and hybrid combinations obtained by artificial hybridization, were created. They are noticeable for high plant performance and optimal height and significantly better than the existing reference hybrids, “Kadet” and “Zlatson”.

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Open Access
Productivity of winter wheat in 6-7-field crop rotations of the Left Bank Forest-Steppe

The purpose of the research is to establish the influence of the structure, content and placement of field crops in 6-7-field crop rotations on their overall productivity, yield and quality of winter wheat in particular. Methods. The technology of growing agricultural crops in the experiment is generally accepted and recommended for the research area. Chemical plant protection agents were used to grow competitive commercial products of winter wheat. Results. The results of research conducted in a long-term stationary field experiment, which was established in 2001, on the study of crop rotations on typical chernozems of unstable moisture in the Left Bank Forest-Steppe during 2016–2021 for six-field and 2016–2022 for seven-field crop rotations, convincingly indicate that the most rational in this subzone was a 6-field crop rotation saturated with winter wheat by 16.7% (soy – winter wheat – sugar beets – spring barley – corn for grain – buckwheat) under the organo-mineral intensification system (predecessor by-products + N60P60K60). Conclusions. The grain yield of winter wheat, which was grown after soybean, buckwheat and winter rapeseed as predecessors under the appropriate set of crop rotations, was in the range of: 5.62–6.02 t/ha, while the protein content in the grain was at the level of – 12.66–13.67%. The economic efficiency of growing winter wheat in the structure of 6-7-field crop rotations was: conditionally net profit – 14.95–16.99 thousand hrn/ha at the level of profitability – 108–125%.

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The effect of drought induced by D-mannitol on the seed germination of winter wheat varieties

Aim. To investigate the impact of drought stress induced by D-mannitol on the seed germination of different genotypes of winter wheat, evaluate the drought resistance of varieties at early development stages, and determine the influence of their regional adaptation zones on drought tolerance. Methods. The study was conducted on 80 varieties of winter wheat developed by four research institutions and adapted to different soil and climatic zones. Drought resistance was evaluated using the method developed by T.V. Yurchenko with the application of an artificial high-osmotic medium based on D-mannitol. Statistical analysis was performed using Microsoft Excel and the ANOVA online calculator. The calculations included summation, mean values, standard deviations, and coefficients of variation. The significance level was set at p < 0.05. Results. A variety has been identified that significantly surpasses the standard variety, MIP Vyshyvanka, in drought resistance, while 24 varieties are at the level of the standard. Conclusions. The identified drought-resistant varieties are recommended for use in breeding programs to enhance drought tolerance in winter wheat. Further research should focus on the inheritance of drought resistance at early development stages and the analysis of heterosis effects among the varieties for the studied trait.

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Aspects of increasing productivity of soft spring wheat in the northern forest-steppe

The purpose of the research is to study the agrotechnological aspects of increasing the producti­vity of soft spring wheat in the conditions of the Northern Forest-Steppe of Ukraine in the context of climate change. Research is aimed at optimizing spring wheat cultivation technology based on the use of modern fertilization systems, growth stimulants and plant protection agents. Special attention is paid to determining the influence of growing conditions on the productivity of spring wheat and adapting agrotechnological techniques to ensure stable and high yields of this crop under climate changes. Methods. The research program included the following methods: field, biometric and measuring-weighing, laboratory, comparative-calculating, as well as mathematical-statistical. Results. It was established that for the cultivation technology, which provided for the treatment of seeds with an organic fertilizer with a stimulating effect, the application of N45P90K90 before sowing and for N45 at the 30th and 48th stages of development according to ВВСН against the background of earning by-products of the predecessor and the application of integrated crop protection on average for 2021−2023 obtained the highest yield of soft spring wheat at the level of 4.35 t/ha. The yield increase for this technology compared to the control was 1.80 t/ha. The complex application of elements of the technology of growing soft spring wheat affected both the yield and quality indicators of the grain. In particular, the content of crude protein was 15.15%, crude gluten – 25.31%, which corresponds to the first quality class in accordance with the requirements of DSTU 3768:2019. Conclusions. It was established that mineral fertilizers, plant growth stimulators, crop protection systems and by-products of precursors are integral components in the technology of growing soft spring wheat. On average, for 2021−2023, the effect of using mineral fertilizers was 0.18−1.80 t/ha, depending on the level of fertilization and the crop protection system. Optimization of nutrition, in particular, the introduction of mineral and organic fertilizers with a stimulating effect, helps plants to adapt to stressful conditions, increasing their productivity under changing climatic conditions.

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The main diseases of spring wheat and the use of biofungicides in the northern Forest-Steppe of Ukraine

The purpose of the research was to identify the most common diseases of spring wheat grown in the Northern Forest-Steppe and to identify the most effective biological products used in the experiment against diseases of spring wheat. Methods. The experimental studies were conducted during 2021–2024 in the Northern Forest-Steppe in the field experiments of the Plant Protection Department of the National Research Center “Institute of Agriculture NAAS” in Chabany village, Fastiv district, Kyiv region. Object of research: spring wheat variety Rannіa 93. Weather conditions during the years of research contributed to the development of diseases. Results. As a result of the crops’ inspections, the following diseases were detected: powdery mildew (Blumeria grumines (DC.) Speer. (BLUMGR), leaf septoria (Septoria trittici Roberge ex Desm. (SEPTTR), ear blight (Sertoria nodorum (Berk.) Berk (SEPTNO), pyrenophora tritici-repentis (Died.) Drechsler and root rot (Fusarium (FUSASP), Bipolaris sorokiniana (Sacc.) Shoemaker (BIPOSO), Gaeumannomyces graminis (Sacc.) Arx & L.L.Olivier (GAEUGR), Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides (Fron) Deighton (PSEUHE), Alternaria spp. ) (ALT), Fusarium spp. (FUSASP), brown rust Puccinia recondita f. sp. tritici Rob. ex Desm (P. triticina Erikss). Conclusions. The growing seasons of 2021–2024 were favorable for the development of wheat diseases, but the effectiveness of biological products during the spring wheat growing season was low and at the end of the growing season was less than 30%. The surveys conducted after three treatments showed that there is no significant effectiveness in relation to the control in variants with the use of different biological products based on different active ingredients. When applying biological products during the growing season, spring wheat yielded 0.1-0.9 t/ha more than in the control. The highest yield increase was in the variant with the use of a mixture of Sporazin 2 l/ha + Phytophyt 0.05 l/ha + Biostimix 0.5 l/ha + Xampan 0.25 l/ha, Sporomax T 1- 2 kg/ha + Sporomax B 2 kg/ha + Xampan 0.25 l/ha. Thus, the preserved yield indicates that the treatment of spring wheat crops with biological products has a positive effect on plants. Therefore, the use of biofungicides in the protection of spring wheat requires further research, and the study of the protection problem remains relevant.

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Soil formation under different methods of cultivation and mineral fertilization of chernozem in agrocenosis

To determine the influence of soil protection tillage and different doses of fertilizer on the formation of the structure of the total phytomass of crops in crop rotations of different types and to assess the level of activity of root systems as a sign of the manifestation of cultural soil formation in the agrocenoses of the Central Forest-Steppe through humus accumulation in the thicknesses of chernozems. Methods. The methods of comparison, correlation and generalisation were used in the work, and the main method was a system analysis based on the description of the system, its individual structural components, their interaction with each other and external factors. Results. Strengthening of hydrothermal conditions of moistened chernozems provides high rates of reproduction of the humus profile of chernozem, and the systematic use of moldboardless tillage is a powerful factor in controlling the process of humus accumulation, which is diagnosed by darkening (increasing coarseness) of the transitional horizons of the soil stratum of chernozems typical of humus leakage. Under the influence of moldboardless tillage, the vector of soil formation is directed towards the formation of more moist chernozems (increased humus content), and the detected effect of increased humus formation should be considered a determinant criterion of the adaptation of the tillage system and, in general, the farming system to the conditions of increasing climate aridity in the agrocenoses of the Left-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. The general pattern of formation of the ratio of marketable products to by-products, both above-ground mass and total by–products, regardless of the type of organic fertiliser, depends on the level of fertilisation, especially nitrogen fertilisation, and the method of cultivation, and lies in the fact that ploughing increases the amount of by-products in the structure of total biomass, while the share of marketable mass decreases. Conclusions. Soil formation in agrocenoses should be perceived as an increase in the cumulative effect of the biological factor of soil formation in the conditions of agricultural use of chernozem by improving hydrothermal soil conditions in seasonal and annual cycles under the influence of the systematic application of soil protection technologies based on no–till tillage, which ensures the process of managing the functional, ecological and facies regularities of organic matter deposition in the humus of chernozem in the agrocenoses of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine.

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Features of the winter wheat spelt productivity formation under organic cultivation in the Right Bank Forest Steppe

To determine the impact of technological factors and biologicalization means complex application on the peculiarities of the winter wheat spelt productivity formation under organic cultivation and to establish the most effective combination of them for the genetic potential maximum realization in the conditions of the northern part of the Right Bank Forest Steppe. Methods. Field, laboratoryanalytical, calculation, statistical. Results. The high efficiency of green manure of spring mustard as a predecessor for the spelt cultivation was established, which ensured an additional yield increase at the level of 1.23–1.30 t/ha, or 23.7–32.8%. Depending on the precursor, pre-sowing treatment of seeds with a biopreparation contributed to an increase in crop yield by 8.6–12.7%, two foliar spraying of crops with biofertilizer by 19.5–25.7%, and the combination of these agricultural measures by 23.2–32.3 %. After the sideral predecessor, spellt formed a grain with a gluten content of 0.61.0% (abs.) higher than when grown after mustard per grain. The use of biological preparations increases the collection of protein by 11.4– 38.5% depending on the predecessor, gluten - by 10.3 –38.7%. Conclusions. The necessity of complex application such elements as sideral predecessor and seeds and crops treatment of biological preparations of fertilizing, stimulating and fungicidal action in the technology of winter wheat spellt organic cultivation has been proved. The optimal parameters of the winter wheat spelt growing technology in organic farming are a combination of pre-sowing treatment of seeds with a growth-stimulating biopreparation (1.5 l/t) and foliar fertilizing of crops with organic fertilizer (twice of 1.5 l/ha at the end of tillering stage and in the stem-extension stage). This technological elements combination for the cultivation after siderate predecessor provided an average over the years of research of 6.43 t/ha yield of grain with a protein content of 14.4% and gluten content of 25.6%, а profit 67.14 thousand hrn/ha, a profitability of 670%.

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Аssessment of phytosanitary conditions for the production of basic seed potatoes in the Southern Polissya region of Ukraine

To monitor the population and species composition of potato virus carriers in the Polissia region of Ukraine and assess the phytosanitary conditions for the production of basic seed potatoes. Methods. Field, laboratory-analytical, entomological, and statistical. Results. In 2021–2023, monitoring on seed potato plantings in the southern part of the Polissia region of Ukraine, using yellow water traps, identified 41 to 52 aphid species. Of these, 6 to 7 species were carriers of potato viruses; these aphid species constituted 43.14–84.15% of the total number of aphids caught. The remaining 37–45 aphid species, which were attracted by the yellow traps, were associated with vegetable, fruit, and berry crops, weeds, trees, and shrubs surrounding the seed potato fields. Aphid species composition and population levels depended on weather conditions and insecticide treatments. Up to seven aphid species that are carriers of potato viral diseases were recorded on potatoes, namely: Aphis fabae Scop., Aphis nasturtii Kalt., Aphis frangulae Kalt., Aulacorthum solani Kalt., Macrosiphum еuphorbiae Thom., Myzus persicae Sulz., Rhopalosiphum padi Lin. The most numerous vectors for transmitting potato viral infection were the species: Macrosiphum euphorbiae Thom., Aphis fabae Scop, Aphis frangulae Kalt., and Aphis nasturtii Kalt., with relatively low PVY transmission indices of 0.2, 0.1, 0.53, and 0.4, respectively. The cumulative vector load index of potato viral infections was 47.18 points in 2021, 69.48 points in 2022, and 52.12 points in 2023. Conclusions. A trend toward increased population and damage potential of aphid species that carry potato viruses was identified, which could lead to a higher spread of viral diseases in basic seed material.

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Features of the phytocenotic interaction of cultural and segetal species of plants in organic agrocoenoses

To establish the regularity of the formation of groups of segetal vegetation in crops of corn and leguminous crops depending on the method of main tillage and the technique of growing these crops, as well as the main indicators and parameters of the phytotoxic interaction of cultivated plants and weeds. Methods. The research was carried out during 2021 – 2023 in a stationary field experiment on a gray forest coarse dusty light loamy soil with a humus content in a layer of 0–30 cm. Narrow-leaved lupine–buckwheat against the background of two methods of main cultivation (shelf 20–22 cm, shelf-less to a depth of 10–12 cm), with sowing of crops in their pure form and binary sowing with a bean component. Results. The greatest increase in the vegetative mass of the crop was obtained in the oat agrocenoses, as well as in its simultaneous cultivation with vetch – 797 and 826 g/m2. The increase of this indicator, compared with single-species sowing of oats, indicates an increase in the competitiveness of binary crops concerning segetal species. The highest anti-weed effect was established against the background of plowing at 20–22 cm in monospecies sowings of winter rye and a binary mixture of winter rye and winter vetch, where the amount of weed coenosis was 18 and 13 pcs/m2, respectively. An important factor in our research was the method of sowing for the crops under study, for example, with binary sowing of rye, the index of competitive pressure was the highest and amounted to 4.33% for shelf cultivation at 20–22 cm and 6.28% for disking at 10– 2 cm, which is compared to other versions of mixtures of the studied cultures, which is due to the higher competitiveness of this culture. That is, the leguminous component is an additional measure to increase the phytocenotic activity of the main crop against weeds. Conclusions. Research has established that the level of weediness in crops depends on the biological characteristics of crop rotation and the conditions under which they are grown, this allows us to recommend the use of the characteristics of winter rye to have a coenotic effect on weeds using the method of main soil cultivation as plowing for 20–22 cm, which reduces their harmfulness in these crops by 85.4% in a pure crop and 90.1% in a mixture with winter vetch.

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Сharacteristics of varietal agricultural techniques of forage beet in the conditions of the northern Forest Steppe

Aim. To identify regularities and discrepancies in the yield formation of single- and multi-stem varieties of fodder beet under different systems of mineral nutrition and technological methods of cultivation, to establish their influence on the quality indicators of root crops and to determine the suitability of different forms of roots for mechanized harvesting. Methods. Field, laboratory, agrochemical statistical, measurement and weight analysis. Results. The problematic tasks of fodder beet cultivation in the zone of unstable moisture for the high-quality supply of dairy and meat cattle with juicy fodder in the winter period are considered. On the basis of many years of experimental research, the article reveals the growth processes and features of fodder beet yield formation depending on weather and climate conditions, variety selection of seeds, fertilization systems, and density of planting coenoses and terms of harvesting root crops. Indicators of variation in feed quality, the content of dry matter and nutrients in beetroot roots are given, the homogeneity and deviation of root crops from the axis line, the deepening of roots, and their suitability for mechanized harvesting are also investigated. The following factors had the greatest influence on the formation of fodder beet productivity in 2021–2023: weather conditions (44–58%), fertilization systems (30–36%), varietal characteristics of plants (4–16%). Conclusions. Multi-stem varieties were superior in yield to single-stemmed forms by 5–21% and provided an increase in yield at the level of 3–15 tons. Among multi-stemmed varieties, the Brigadyr variety (Germany) and the Sonet variety (Ukraine) stood out with the highest productivity. Against the background of N45Р45К45 and full mineral nutrition N45Р45К45 + a complex of macro and microelements, these varieties, under a fairly favorable water regime in the pre-autumn and autumn periods in 2021–2022, ensured the maximum yield of root crops, more than 82 t/ha. In the dry year of 2023, the yield of root crops of these varieties decreased by 1.3–1.4 times and amounted to 66.8 and 63.5 t/ha, respectively. In terms of chemical composition, the best quality of root crops was formed by single-rooted varieties, in which the content of dry matter exceeded 11.2%, which is 0.5–1.2% more than in multi-rooted samples, with the exception of the variety of semi-sugar forms Centaur Poly (dry matter content of more than 12.3%). From the point of view of assessing the suitability of root crops for mechanized harvesting based on morphological characteristics (root penetration into the soil, height of attachment of the root to the root crop, etc.), single-root varieties, in particular Rubicon and Aspor, which formed root crops with a deviation from the row axis of no more than 22%, turned out to be the best.

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