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The learning achievement of students of class IX MTs N Rembang in learning short story texts is still not optimal. As a student it is not finished. Students who get scores beyond the Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM) are things that must be fulfilled. The low achievement of the learning outcomes is from learning factors that are less interesting and monotonous, students have difficulty expressing the contents of their thoughts to be conveyed in writing. This research develops learning media with comic strips media. The purpose of writing this thesis is to describe prototypes of short story teaching materials using comic strips media at MTs N Rembang. This research was conducted to use the Research and Development method from Borg and Gall's theory which was adapted as needed. The results of the expert validation showed that the developed comic strips received a score of 96% in the very good category to be tested. After being validated, the teaching media was tested on MTs N 4 and MTs N 3 Rembang students. The trial results showed that many students scored above the KKM even though there were some who had not completed KD in writing short story texts. From the data that has been analyzed, it can be concluded that comic strips media is one of the solutions that can be used in learning short story texts.Keywords : comic strips, instructional media, short story

Open Access

ABSTRACTThis study aims to describe form function the use of jargon in the student’s mountaineering community of Swapala Kalijaga SMA N 1 Demak. The use of jargon in a community in addition to interacting has the aim of creating a language that is only understand by the community that is formed. The research used a qualitative research approach with a sociolinguistic theoretical approach. The data was collected using a method watch free to talk, conservation, recording, notes, and interviews to find the function of using jargon. The text were analyzed using carried out by outlining the forms of jargon that have their respective use functions found in the community of Swapala Kalijaga SMA N 1 Demak. From the research, it concluded that jargon is used to interact among fellow members as well of a community. The results show that jargon from community of Swapala Kalijaga SMA N 1 Demak was 37 jargons. Jargon community of Swapala Kalijaga SMA N 1 Demak is divided into four forms (1)words forms, (2)phrase forms, (3)abbreviated forms, and (4)acronym forms. Each jargon used has its own function of use (1)information, (2)invitations, (3)identity, (4)rule, (5)enthusiasm, and (6)facilitate communication. Keywords: jargon, community, student’s mountaineering

Open Access
Penggunaan Media Gambar Berbasis Kepedulian Lingkungan Sebagai Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Teks Deskripsi Dengan Menggunakan Metode Think Talk Write Untuk Tingkat SMP Di Kota Semarang

ABSTRACTThis research was conducted using the Research and Development (R&D) method adopted from Sugiyono which includes the following steps: 1) Preliminary Study, namely literature study and field study, 2). Development Studies, including: (1) initial product design, (2) design corrections from experts, (3) design revisions, (4) limited trials, (5) Focus Group Discussions (FGD), and (6) product revisions .The results of the expert / expert validation assessment show that the overall percentage obtained is 84.4% or if converted into criteria or categories gets the predicate worthy of being tested. After being validated, the learning media was tried out in the school under study and got the grade IV teacher's assessment in the two schools, the results were that the feasibility of presenting learning media for teachers got a score of 94%, while the results of student responses got a score of 95.7%, if converted into criteria or the category gets the predicate worthy.From the data above, it can be concluded that the developed teaching materials are categorized as suitable for use in learning activities. Use of Image Media Based on Environmental Concern for the Development of Teaching Materials Text Description Using the Think Talk Write Method can provide a fun new atmosphere for students so that students are motivated to participate in learning activities. Keywoards: Teaching Materials, Media, Pictures, Environmental Concern, TTW

Open Access