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Экспорт российского образования в Кении: проблемы и перспективы

В данной статье авторы анализируют текущее состояние и перспективы экспорта российского образования в Республике Кении. Актуальность исследования продиктована современными инициативами по продвижению российского образования за границу в свете нового внешнеполитического курса России, нацеленного на укрепление связей с африканскими государствами. Цель исследования – выявить эффективные механизмы, способствующие экспорту российского образования в прозападной Республике Кении. Поставленная цель исследования предполагает решение следующих задач: 1) изучить глобальный и региональный политические контексты, включая основные трудности при продвижении российских образовательных услуг в Кении; 2) определить эффективные каналы и методы продвижения информации в Республике Кении для привлечения целевой аудитории; 3) проанализировать методику подготовки и проведения учебных занятий и научно-образовательных и просветительских мероприятий по продвижению российского образования в Республике Кении; 4) выявить и описать ключевые драйверы экспорта российского образования в Кении. Проведенное исследование позволило получить комплексную картину о востребованности образования на русском языке в этой стране, выявить ключевые сложности, а также обозначить основные драйверы экспорта российского образования. In this article, the authors analyze the current state and prospects for the export of Russian education in the Republic of Kenya. The relevance of the study is dictated by modern initiatives to promote Russian education abroad in the light of Russia's new foreign policy course aimed at strengthening ties with African states. The purpose of the study is to identify effective mechanisms that promote the export of Russian education in the pro–Western Republic of Kenya. The aim of the study involves solving the following tasks: 1) to study global and regional political contexts, including the main difficulties in promoting Russian educational services in Kenya; 2) to identify effective channels and methods of promoting information in the Republic of Kenya to attract a target audience; 3) to analyze the methodology of preparing and conducting training sessions and scientific, educational and educational measures to promote Russian education in the Republic of Kenya; 4) identify and describe the key drivers of Russian education exports to Kenya. The conducted research allowed us to get a comprehensive picture of the demand for education in Russian in this country, identify key difficulties, and identify the main drivers of Russian education exports.

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Artificial Intelligence and Immersive Technologies in Higher Pedagogical Education

The purpose of the study. The problem of using the capabilities of artificial intelligence and immersive technologies in educational programs is being updated. The article is devoted to the analysis of the role, functions and significance of artificial intelligence and immersive learning technologies in the development of an open educational environment and its personal segments formed by subjects of educational relations in the process of preparing graduates of pedagogical universities to change the conditions of modern society. The possibilities of Generative Pretrained Transformers (GPT) and virtual reality in its various manifestations (AR, VR, AVR) are discussed. Their influence on the formation of the personal educational environment of graduates of pedagogical universities is shown.Materials and methods. The method of comparative analysis of scientific publications in the field of artificial intelligence development, immersive learning technologies, and the formation of a personal educational environment is used. The capabilities of a number of GPT services have been experimentally tested. The ideas about the role and functions of new resources in improving the educational process are summarized. The forecast of the integration of artificial intelligence and immersive technologies in pedagogical education is given.The results of the study. It is shown that Generative Pretrained Transformers are able to implement reference and encyclopedic, constructive and creative, analytical, control and training functions in the educational process while observing the ethics of their application. The connection between the development of artificial intelligence and the appearance in the global information network of virtual characters imitating human appearance and behavior in various contexts, and anthropomorphic robots capable of communicating with humans for educational purposes is indicated. Attention is drawn to the inclusion of new means of communication with artificial intelligence in the personal educational environment of the lecturer, which provides him/her with a combination of the functions of a supplier and at the same time a consumer of knowledge. The prospects of the emergence of virtual and anthropomorphic pedagogical agents with artificial intelligence in the education system and in informal communications are assessed. The educational possibilities of augmented reality, virtual reality and augmented virtual reality as means of immersive learning technologies are defined. The pedagogical and technological conditions for the safe use of immersive learning technologies are given. It is noted that the creation of personal educational environments with components of artificial intelligence and immersive technologies makes it possible to organize the processes of teaching and self-education of a lecturer, ensuring the subjective nature of his/her personal and professional growth and mobility in a complicated world.Conclusion. The conclusion is made that the creativity of innovative lecturers, which is visible in their open educational environments, is a resource for overcoming the reproductive nature of the functioning of pre-trained neural networks. The authors believe that positive feedback in the joint evolution of artificial intelligence (AI) tools and personal segments of the open educational space will contribute to the transformation of the existing information society into a learning society. This makes it possible to form a system of open meta-education according to the needs of each individual.

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Scientific Conference <i>Language and Culture</i> in Tomsk State University

Between November 16th and 17th, 2023, Tomsk State University hosted the 33rd International Scientific Conference Language and Culture, devoted to the 145th anniversary of the University and the Year of the Teacher and Mentor. Experienced and young researchers, language teachers and mentors from across Russia and abroad gathered to discuss the best pedagogical practices and methodological developments in the field of foreign language education. The five working languages of the conference (Russian, English, German, French, Chinese) indicate the high level of the event. The content of the conference fully reflects the list of its scientific directions: current issues of linguodidactics and methods of teaching foreign languages; psychophysiological and cognitive processes when learning a foreign language; modern formats for organizing the educational process; interdisciplinary studies of culture and intercultural communication; language and society; philosophy and language; history of Indo-European languages and classical philology; modern paradigm of linguistic research; methodology for teaching ESP; theoretical and applied issues of translation and intercultural communication; current studies of European languages and cultures: theoretical and applied aspects; theoretical and applied aspects of studying the Chinese language, etc. One of the significant sections of the current conference is the section Interdisciplinary studies of culture and intercultural communication. This year, the section discussed interdisciplinary approaches to the study of culture based on languages such as Chinese, Selkup, Spanish, Quechua (Peru), English, and Russian. The Language and Culture, initiated in the late 1980s by Doctor of Philology, Professor, Honored Dean of TSU Svetlana Konstantinovna Gural, the conference has become a recognizable scientific brand of Tomsk State University. First, in 1986, S. K. Gural organized a scientific and methodological seminar Language and Culture at the Department of English Language of TSU. The seminar immediately received international status, thanks to the participation of Oxford University professor Bruce Munk. Subsequently, in 1990, the seminar was transformed into an international conference. This conference, which brings together specialists in the field of cultural studies and philology, has been allowing representatives of different universities to exchange experiences and introduce colleagues to the results of their scientific research for four decades now.

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General Cultural Competence of a Future Teacher in a Changing World

The purpose of the study. The paper analyzes the content оf the concept of “general cultural competence of a future teacher” and its dialectical development in a changing world under the influence of various factors: the new technological order; the complexity and diversity of various social environments; the risks of environmental, energy and epidemic crises; the emergence of artificial intelligence and learning neural networks; and the large consequences of small (at first glance) events in public life. The authors of this paper identified the inseparable connection of the general cultural competence of a future teacher with the general culture of human society. The work culture (professional activity) of a teacher is understood as an intellectual, socially oriented creative activity in the field of education, which has a spiritual ground and value sense. Such professional activity includes imperatives of personal and professional development, learning new things, motivation to participate in the life and upbringing of the subjects of their work – students. The trend of pragmatism in the development of educational programs of higher education, underestimation of the humanistic function of pedagogical universities and the need to form longitudinal professional and life goals of graduates is actualized. Materials and methods. The study is based on the analysis of scientific publications in the field of competence-based, culturological and learner-centered approaches in pedagogy. The content of publications was compared, and the frequency of key terms in these publications was analyzed using the online service “Semantic text analysis online, seo text analysis”.The results of the study. The results prove that the phenomenon of culture arises in the process of human coevolution. In this study, the structure and content of culture is seen as a sphere with three poles (religion, art, science). In the process of historical increase in the volume of culture, these poles could have changed mutual distances, demonstrating a prevailing influence of each pole on the volume of the culture sphere. Furthermore, the series of categories of “cult – culture – general cultural competence of a future teacher” was analyzed. In the context of the competency-based approach, an analysis of the content of the concept “general cultural competence of a future teacher” is considered. It has been suggested that leadership competence can be considered as part of the general cultural competence of a future teacher, determining the ability to independently organize his or her own professional and life trajectory from the position of a leader, creating an atmosphere of cooperation in the pedagogical, design or research process. The leader's worldview is seen to be an integral part of the general culture of a person, being realized in the normative (regulatory) and evaluative (axiological) functions of the culture, as well as in the socialization function together with a continuous desire for self-improvement in the profession and life.Conclusion. The findings of the study demonstrate that teachers, as carriers and subjects of culture, need to develop their general cultural competence to navigate in and adapt to a changing world. The considered competences are crucial in the modern conditions and should be directly or indirectly introduced into the future Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education in the Russian Federation.

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