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Proteomic map of the differentially expressed proteins in the skin of Ctenopharyngodon idella against Aeromonas hydrophila infection

The skin mucus of fish is an important part of the innate immune system, which is poorly understood at the proteomic level. The study established a complete map of the proteins in the skin mucus of Ctenopharangdon idella (C. idella) and discussed the Differentially Expressed Proteins (DEPs) after Aeromonas hydrophila (A. hydrophila) infection. Using Label Free Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysis, a total of 126 proteins were identified as differentially expressed, 89 proteins of which were upregulated, and 37 proteins were downregulated. Functional annotations of DEPs showed that the upregulated proteins in the skin mucus of the treated group were mostly associated with complement system and cytoskeleton proteins, whereas downregulated proteins were associated with metabolism. The key upregulated immune proteins were transferrin variant C, lysozyme g, annexin A11, 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 8, hypothetical protein ROHU_000884, 60S ribosomal L7a, calpain-2 catalytic subunit-like protein, calpain-9-like protein, complement component C9, complement C3, cathepsin S, cathepsin Z, 14kDa apolipo, heat shock protein and intelectin, whereas, leukocyte elastase inhibitor, annexin A11, C-factor-like protein, biotinidase isoform X1 and epidermal growth factor receptor substrate 15-like were the downregulated proteins. Moreover, we for the first-time report proteins such as coactosin, lamin-B2 and kelch 12, which were never reported in fish. Our study directly pointing out the possible immunological biomarkers in the skin mucus of C. idella after A. hydrophila treatment. Each of the protein we report in this study could be used as base to establish their mechanism of action during bacterial infection that may contribute to the strategies against bacterial prevention and control in fishes.

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Open Access
Innate immune and chronic heat stress responses in sturgeons: Advances and insights from studies on Russian sturgeons

Chronic stress deteriorates the immune function of fish, thereby increasing their vulnerability to infections. However, the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying stress-mediated immunosuppression and infection susceptibility in fish remain largely unknown. Understanding these mechanisms will contribute to improving fish welfare and their farm production. Herein, we review the challenges of sturgeon aquaculture in subtropical countries, where current climate change has giving rise to significant temperature increments during summer. This leads to the exposure of fish to stressful conditions during these months. Chronic heat stress deserves attention considering the rapid warming rate of the planet. It is already affecting wild fish populations, with disastrous consequences for sturgeons, which are one of the most endangered fish species in the world. In this context, we discuss the most recent advances through the studies on the effects of chronic heat stress on the innate immune components of sturgeons. To this end, we summarise the findings of studies focusing on the aquaculture of Russian sturgeons and observations made on other Acipenser species. Special attention is given to acute-phase proteins, as they might be valuable biomarkers of heat stress and infection, with applicability in monitoring the fish health status in farms.

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Open Access
Molecular docking and simulation studies of Chloroquine, Rimantadine and CAP-1 as potential repurposed antivirals for decapod iridescent virus 1 (DIV1)

Drug repurposing is a methodology of identifying new therapeutic use for existing drugs. It is a highly efficient, time and cost-saving strategy that offers an alternative approach to the traditional drug discovery process. Past in-silico studies involving molecular docking have been successful in identifying potential repurposed drugs for the various treatment of diseases including aquaculture diseases. The emerging shrimp hemocyte iridescent virus (SHIV) or Decapod iridescent virus 1 (DIV1) is a viral pathogen that causes severe disease and high mortality (80%) in farmed shrimps caused serious economic losses and presents a new threat to the shrimp farming industry. Therefore, effective antiviral drugs are critically needed to control DIV1 infections. The aim of this study is to investigate the interaction of potential existing antiviral drugs, Chloroquine, Rimantadine, and CAP-1 with DIV1 major capsid protein (MCP) with the intention of exploring the potential of drug repurposing. The interaction of the DIV1 MCP and three antivirals were characterised and analysed using molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulation. The results showed that CAP-1 is a more promising candidate against DIV1 with the lowest binding energy of -8.46kcal/mol and is more stable compared to others. We speculate that CAP-1 binding may induce the conformational changes in the DIV1 MCP structure by phosphorylating multiple residues (His123, Tyr162, and Thr395) and ultimately block the viral assembly and maturation of DIV1 MCP. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report regarding the structural characterisation of DIV1 MCP docked with repurposing drugs.

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Open Access
Re-identification and characterization of grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idella TLR20

Toll-like receptors (TLRs) play a crucial role in the recognition of microbial-associated molecular patterns in the innate immune system. Fish TLRs have undergone significant gene expansion to adapt to complex aquatic environments. Among them, TLR20 from the TLR11 family actively responds to viral and bacterial invasions. Previous studies have reported two TLR20s in grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella), and in this study, we revised this conclusion. Based on the latest grass carp genome, we identified a new TLR20 member. These three TLR20s are arranged in tandem on chromosome 9, indicating that they are generated by gene duplication events. They were renamed CiTLR20.1 to CiTLR20.3 based on their chromosomal positions. The CiTLR20s in C. idella exhibit higher similarities with those in Danio rerio, Cyprinus carpio, and Megalobrama amblycephala, and lower similarities with those in other distantly related fish species. Selective pressure analysis revealed low conservation and negative evolution of TLR20s during evolution. The 3D structures of the three TLR20s showed significant differences, reflecting functional variations and different downstream adaptor molecule recruitment. Transcriptome data revealed tissue distribution differences of TLR20s, with TLR20.1 showing relatively low expression levels in all the tissues, while TLR20.2 and TLR20.3 showed higher expression in the head kidney, spleen, and gill. Additionally, TLR20.2 and TLR20.3 actively responded to GCRV-II infection, with higher upregulation of TLR20.2 in response to Aeromonas hydrophila challenge. In conclusion, this study corrected the number of grass carp TLR20 members and analyzed TLR20 from an evolutionary and structural perspective, exploring its role in antiviral and antibacterial defense. This study provides reference for future research on fish TLR20.

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Open Access
Dietary supplementation of Polygonum chinense improves the immunity of Asian seabass, Lates calcarifer (Bloch, 1790) against Vibrio harveyi infection

Aquaculture plays a significant role in the overall fish production in Malaysia, contributing a substantial quantity of food-fish amounting to roughly 573,683 tonnes with an estimated economic value of US$860 million in 2022. However, diseases have become a significant limitation for aquaculture production. Therefore, herbal immunostimulant has been considered a natural and practical approach of preventing disease infection in fish. The ability of Polygonum chinense extract (PCE) on haemato-biochemistry parameters, immunomodulatory properties, and disease resistance of Lates calcarifer (Asian seabass) under Vibrio harveyi challenge was evaluated in this study, with a focus on dose-response associations and variability over various exposure durations (0-, 7- and 14-day post-infection). A total of 480 Asian seabass (9.5±0.2g) were distributed in 12 aquaria and fed four diets supplemented with 0 (control), 2, 5 and 10g/kg diet for 60 days before being challenged with V. harveyi. Dietary PCE significantly improved (P < 0.05) survival, with the dose of 10g/kg showing the highest survival rate (90%) when compared to the control (60%). Additionally, hematological (red and white blood cell counts, hemoglobulin, packed cell volume, and mean corpuscular volume) and immunological (activities of lysozyme, phagocytic activity and respiratory burst, and serum total immunoglobulin) properties were significantly increased (P < 0.05) in comparison to the control group. In contrast, serum aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase levels, as well as glucose level were significantly reduced (P < 0.05) in PCE-fed fish compared to the control group. Conclusively, the current study discovered that supplementing fish feed with P. chinense extract improves fish haemato-biochemical profile, immunocompetence and disease resistance to V. harveyi infection.

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Open Access
Identification and functional characterization of Interleukin-11 in goldfish (Carassius auratus L.)

Interleukin-11 (IL-11) is a versatile cytokine that modulates cellular differentiation and proliferation in various cell types and tissues. In this study, IL-11 gene from goldfish (Carassius auratus L.) has been identified and characterized. Goldfish IL-11 (gfIL-11) has an open reading frame (ORF) that spans 591 base pairs (bp). The ORF encodes a precursor protein consisting of 196 amino acids (aa), which includes a 26 aa signal peptide and a conserved domain belonging to the IL-11 superfamily. Based on phylogenetic analysis, gfIL-11 was found to be closely related to other IL-11 homologues identified in various fish species. The gfIL-11 transcript exhibited varied expression levels across all the analyzed tissues, with the highest expression observed in the gill and spleen. Treatment of goldfish head kidney leukocytes (HKLs) with LPS and live Aeromonas hydrophila, increased gfIL-11 mRNA expression level. Recombinant gfIL-11 protein (rgIL-11) induced a dose-dependent production of TNF-α and IFNγ from goldfish HKLs. Furthermore, the administration of rgIL-11 to goldfish HKLs triggered an increase in the expression of various transcription factors such as MafB, cJun, GATA2, and Egr1, which play a vital role in the differentiation of myeloid precursors into macrophages and monocytes. Our findings provide evidence that IL-11 is a crucial cytokine that promotes cell proliferation, immune response, and differentiation across various hematopoietic lineages and stages of goldfish.

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Open Access
The effect of PACAP administration on LPS-induced cytokine expression in the Atlantic salmon SHK-1 cell line.

Recent work has identified pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide (PACAP) as a potential antimicrobial and immune stimulating agent which may be suitable for use in aquaculture. However, its effects on teleost immunity are not well studied and may be significantly different than what has been observed in mammals. In this study we examined the effects of PACAP on the Atlantic salmon macrophage cell line SHK-1. PACAP was able to increase the expression of LPS-induced il-1β in at concentrations of 1 uM when administered 24h prior to LPS stimulation. Furthermore, concentrations as low as 40nM had an effect when administered both 24h prior and in tandem with LPS. PACAP was also capable of increasing the expression of il-1β and tnf-α in SHK-1 cells challenged with a low dose of heat-killed Flavobacterium columnare. We attempted to get a better understanding of the mechanism underlying this enhancement of il-1β expression by manipulating downstream signaling of PACAP with inhibitors of phosphodiesterase and phospholipase C activity. We found that inducing cAMP accumulation with phosphodiesterase inhibitors failed to recapitulate the effect of PACAP administration on LPS-mediated il-1β expression by PACAP, while use of a phospholipase C inhibitor caused a PACAP-like enhancement in LPS-mediated il-1β expression. Interestingly, the VPAC1 receptor inhibitor PG97-269, but not the PAC1 inhibitor max.d.4, also was capable of causing a PACAP-like enhancement in LPS-mediated il-1β expression. This suggests that fish do not utilize the PACAP receptors in the same manner as mammals, but that it still exerts an immunostimulatory effect that make it a good immunostimulant for use in aquaculture.

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Open Access
Proteomic profile of epidermal mucus from Labeo rohita reveals differentially abundant proteins after Aeromonas hydrophila infection

We report the proteomic profile of Epidermal Mucus (EM) from Labeo rohita and identified the differentially abundant proteins (DAPs) against Aeromonas hydrophila infection through label-free liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Using discovery-based proteomics, a total of 2039 proteins were quantified in nontreated group and 1,328 proteins in the treated group, of which 114 were identified as DAPs in both the groups. Of the 114 DAPs, 68 proteins were upregulated and 46 proteins were downregulated in the treated group compared to nontreated group. Functional annotations of these DAPs shows their association with metabolism, cellular process, molecular process, cytoskeletal, stress, and particularly immune system. Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) enrichment analysis and Fisher's exact test between the two groups shows that most of the proteins were immune-related, which were significantly associated with the proteasome, phagosome, and Salmonella infection pathways. Overall, this study shows a basic and primary way for further functional research of the involvement of vitellogenin 2, alpha-2-macroglobulin-like protein, toll-like receptors (TLR-13), calpain, keratin-like proteins, and heat shock proteins against bacterial infection. Nonetheless, this first-ever comprehensive report of a proteomic sketch of EM from L. rohita after A. hydrophila infection provides systematic protein information to broadly understand the biological role of fish EM against bacterial infection.

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Open Access