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자기보고식 설문도구 개발을 통한 K-CESA 결과 예측 모형 구축

This study investigates the possibility that the characteristics of assessment tools may influence the results of individual competency evaluations. A self-report survey consisting of 28 items was developed to assess core competencies and was compared with the results obtained from K-CESA’s performance-based and self-report assessments. The study involved 117 undergraduate students from S University who participated in the K-CESA assessment. Correlation analysis, Support Vector Machine (SVM), and linear regression models were applied to examine the relationships and predictive accuracy between the self-report survey results and the K-CESA outcomes. The correlation analysis revealed that, even when assessing the same competencies, the relationship between the performance-based evaluation results from K-CESA and the self-report survey results developed in this study was very weak. In contrast, there was a significant correlation between the self-report evaluation results from K-CESA and the self-report survey results from this study, with strong predictive accuracy. This indicates that even with fewer items, the self-report evaluation results from K-CESA can be effectively predicted. These findings highlight the importance of assessment methods in determining competency evaluation results. Furthermore, the study provides practical implications by proposing directions to reduce discrepancies between self-report measures widely used in education and actual performance, thereby improving the validity of competency assessment tools.

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역량기반 교육과정 설계를 위한 교수학습 지원체계 연구

The purpose of this study is to develop a teaching-learning support system for competency-based curriculum design. To this end, the educational needs of students at A-University were analyzed, and a comprehensive teaching-learning support system was developed by incorporating the teaching-learning requirements derived from the experiences and perceptions of high-competency students. Specifically, the study applied the T-test, Borich needs analysis method, and The Locus for Focus model to analyze educational needs for the entire student and specific divisions. Additionally, FGI (Focus Group Interview) content analysis on the teaching-learning needs of high-competency students was incorporated, and the final research results were validated through a content validity verification procedure. This study is significant in that it contributes to the design of a practical competency-based curriculum by systematically analyzing learners' needs and performance based on both internal and external competency assessment tools and teaching-learning levels. By proposing support measures that reflect the teaching-learning experiences and perceptions of learners, this study offers a consumer-centered approach. The results are expected to serve as essential foundational data in the future process of establishing and applying a teaching-learning support system for competency-based curriculum design.

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가톨릭계 대학의 역량 개념 설정에 관한 고찰 - 가톨릭 교육의 목적과 사명을 바탕으로

This study aims to conceptualize the purpose and mission of Catholic education as Catholic Competencies and to expand it by integrating the values of Catholic education into the competency areas that form the basis of the domestic university curriculum, in order to examine whether the competency concepts established by Catholic Universities, which account for half of private universities, align with their inherent identity. To this end, a literature study was conducted, focusing on official Vatican documents of the Catholic Church, to extract and structure Catholic Competencies from the purpose and mission of Catholic education. The results indicate that the purpose of Catholic education is first, to nurture genuine and complete individuals; second, to educate the most noble and capable citizens; and third, to contribute to humanity by interpreting academic disciplines through the eyes of faith. To achieve these objectives, Catholic schools bear the mission of practicing holistic education and evangelization, and Catholic educators perform their duties based on a sense of vocation as their apostolate. The components of Catholic Competencies include a sense of vocation, evangelization competency, character competency, and Common Good competency. To explore how these Catholic Competencies relate to the competencies established by domestic Catholic Universities, two target universities were selected and analyzed. The findings reveal that the components of Catholic Competencies are reflected in the competency areas, educational philosophy, educational objectives, and ideals of graduates of Catholic Universities. However, there is a need for a more proactive exploration and concretization of competency concepts to embody the fundamental mission and diverse identity of each university. This study is significant as the first research combining Catholic values and competencies, and it anticipates expansion into various case studies on Catholic Competencies in the future.

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교육과정 만족도가 핵심 및 전공역량에 미치는 영향: 대학생활적응 유형별 차이를 중심으로

The purpose of this study is to classify university students' adaptation to university life using latent profile analysis and analyze whether there are differences in the impact of satisfaction with liberal arts, major, and extracurricular curriculum on core and major competencies by type of university life adaptation. To this end, 576 students from A University were surveyed regarding their adaptation to university life, satisfaction with the curriculum, and core and major competencies. Latent Profile Analysis, Crosstab analysis, MANOVA, and Regression analysis were conducted. The findings of the study are as follows: First, university life adaptation was classified into five types: Type 1 (Severely maladapted type), Type 2 (Borderline type due to game addiction), Type 3 (Borderline type due to game dependency), Type 4 (Mild adaptation type), and Type 5 (Perfect adaptation type). Types 4(34.4%) and 3(30.3%) were the most common, followed by Types 5(18.8%) and 2(14.4%). Type 1 was found to represent about 2.4% of the students. Second, the impact of curriculum satisfaction on competencies varied by type of university life adaptation. Students in Type 1 showed no significant impact of curriculum satisfaction on any competencies. Students in Types 2 and 3 were positively influenced by satisfaction with major curricula on all competencies. Students in Type 4 and 5 showed positive impacts from satisfaction with major and extra curricular on communication & collaboration, creative & integrative, and major competencies, Based on these findings, it is recommended that universities diagnose first-year students' adaptation to university life, classify them into types, and provide customized educational strategies accordingly.

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대학생의 인성역량, 혁신역량, 창의융합역량, 소통역량 간의 구조적 관계 분석

The purpose of this study is to analyze the structural relationship among university students' character competency, innovation competency, creativity confluence competency and communication competency, and to identify the mediating effect of innovation competency and creative convergence competency in the impact of character competency on communication competency. For this purpose, an online survey was conducted among students at University A in Gyeonggi-do using the variables of creativity competency, innovation competency, creative convergence competency, and communication competency. Data analysis was performed using SPSS 27.0 and AMOS 27.0 statistical programs. As a result of the study, first, creativity competency, innovation competency, creative fusion competency, and communication competency all showed a significant correlation, and it was confirmed that the structural relationship was appropriate. In the final model, each path coefficient was statistically significant in all paths. Second, as a result of verifying the mediating effects of innovation and creative convergence competency on the influence of university students' character competency on their communication competency, it was found that character competency had a significant indirect effect on creative convergence competency through innovation competency. In addition, it was found that character competency had a significant indirect effect on communication competency through innovation competency and creative convergence competency. Based on the research results, the relationship among character competency, innovation competency, creative convergence competency, and communication competency was structurally analyzed and identified, and the direction of competency development and educational implications were provided.

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리더육성 장학사업 참여 대학생의 진로계획, 진로탐색, 진로결정수준 간의 종단적 분석

This study aims to identify the development curves of various factors on career development process of 300 scholarship recipients who participated in the Leader Development Scholarship Program from 2018 to 2022. A latent growth model was used to examine the mediating role of career exploration in the changes between career planning and career decision-making through a longitudinal mediation effect analysis. The analysis results showed that the career planning, career exploration, and career decision-making showed a linear pattern of change. The initial status of career planning significantly influences the initial status and rate of change of career exploration, as well as the influence of the change rate of career planning on the change rate of career exploration. However, the initial status and rate of change of career decision-making were found to have no significant impact. Additionally, while the initial status of career exploration showed a statistically significant influence on the initial status and rate of change of career decision-making, the paths between their change rates were not significant. Mediation analysis revealed that the initial status of career planning partially mediates the initial status of career decision-making through the initial status of career exploration, with no significant mediated effects observed in the rates of change. This suggests that the career decision-making of scholarship recipients reflects cognitive aspects of career development developed through career exploration processes and individual career planning. Therefore, to enhance the career planning of scholarship recipients, educational interventions such as career-related programs should focus on the growth and changes of scholarship recipients from a long-term perspective.

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역량기반 교육과 과정 중심 평가의 실천과 함의

This study investigates the implementation status of competency-based education and process-focused assessment, introduced in the 2015 revised curriculum and emphasized in the 2022 revision, in Korean school settings. It aims to propose improvement measures for more effective and stable adoption. To achieve this, existing studies on the operation of the 2015 revised curriculum were reviewed, and three rounds of focus group interviews were conducted with 13 in-service teachers to collect practical cases and exemplary practices. The findings reveal that competency-based education and process-focused assessment are not yet fully aligned with their intended purposes due to practical constraints. However, they have been shown to promote shifts in teachers' perceptions and practices, thereby driving changes in school education. For effective implementation, the study suggests providing theoretical explanations and practical guidelines for the revised curriculum, developing teaching and learning tools, enhancing teachers' assessment expertise, and offering accessible resources. Additionally, introducing AI technology and administrative measures such as reducing the number of students per teacher and recruiting support staff are recommended to alleviate teachers' workload. Lastly, the study highlights the need for programs to foster understanding and cooperation from students and parents regarding competency-based education and process-focused assessment.

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