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The shark and ray teeth of the Lower Miocene (Upper Marine Molasse) from Ballendorf, Baden-Württemberg, Southern Germany

In an abandoned sand pit near Ballendorf (Alb-Donau District, Baden-Württemberg), sediments of the Upper Marine Molasse (Lower Miocene) are present. In these sediments, 39 shark and ray species belonging to 29 genera were identified (Aetobatus, Alopias, Araloselachus, Carcharhinus, Carcharias, Centrophorus, Chaenogaleus, Dasyatis, Galeocerdo, Hemipristis, Iago, Isistius, Keasius, Notorynchus, Pachyscyllium, Paragaleus, Physogaleus, Pristiophorus, Raja, Rhinobatos, Rhinoptera, Rhizoprionodon, Rhynchobatus, Scyliorhinus, Sphyrna, Squalus, Squatina, Taeniurops, Triakis). However, in this paper we only illustrate and describe the 23 taxa not already discussed in previous publications on the Upper Marine Molasse deposits of Äpfingen, Rengetsweiler and Ursendorf, apart from two exceptions: teeth from jaw positions not previously illustrated, and specimens that are better preserved than those in previous publications. Specimens only determined as “sp.” were illustrated because it cannot be ruled out that they represent different species to the ones published earlier. Nearly all of the taxa found have Recent relatives; only Araloselachus, Keasius and Physogaleus are extinct. Most of the recovered taxa lived on or near the bottom in the shelf region. Alopias and possibly also Keasius lived higher in the water column. With Isistius, a taxon living in the oceanic realm was present, and the Recent representatives of Centrophorus live in deeper waters. Nearly all taxa fed on invertebrates and/or fishes; Isistius also fed as an ectoparasite. Additionally, two generalist feeders (Galeocerdo, Notorynchus) and one filter feeder (Keasius) were identified. The species Carcharias crassidens, which is not common in the Upper Marine Molasse, was also verified. Other fossils found in this deposit include remnants of odontocete cetaceans, molluscs, balanid barnacles, algae, and teeth of terrestrial mammals. The palaeoenvironment was a warm, shallow-water habitat. Based on greater proximity to the palaeo-coastline, the water depth was probably less than in other Upper Marine Molasse deposits.

Open Access
Spatial and functional structure of an entire ant assemblage in a lowland Panamanian rainforest

Ants are a major ecological group in tropical rainforests. Few studies in the Neotropics have documented the distribution of ants from the ground to the canopy, and none have included the understorey. A previous analysis of an intensive arthropod study in Panama, involving 11 sampling methods, showed that the factors influencing ant β diversity (i.e., changes in assemblage composition) were, in decreasing order of importance, the vertical (height), temporal (season), and horizontal (geographic distance) dimensions. In the present study, we went one step further and aimed (1) to identify the best sampling methods to study the entire ant assemblage across the three strata, (2) to test if all strata show a similar horizontal β diversity and (3) to analyze the functional structure of the entire ant assemblage. We identified 405 ant species from 11 subfamilies and 68 genera. Slightly more species were sampled in the canopy than on the ground; they belonged to distinct sub-assemblages. The understorey fauna was mainly a mixture of species found in the other two strata. The horizontal β diversity between sites was similar for the three strata. About half of the ant species foraged in two (29%) or three (25%) strata. A single method, aerial flight interception traps placed alongside tree trunks, acting as arboreal pitfall traps, collected half of the species and reflected the vertical stratification. Using the functional traits approach, we observed that generalist species with mid-sized colonies were by far the most numerous (31%), followed by ground- or litter-dwelling species, either specialists (20%), or generalists (16%), and arboreal species, either generalists (19%) or territorially dominant (8%), and finally army ants (5%). Our results reinforce the idea that a proper understanding of the functioning of ant assemblages requires the inclusion of arboreal ants in survey programs.

Circulating Nucleosomes as Potential Markers to Monitor COVID-19 Disease Progression.

The severity of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) varies significantly with cases spanning from asymptomatic to lethal with a subset of individuals developing Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and death from respiratory failure. To determine whether global nucleosome and citrullinated nucleosome levels were elevated in COVID-19 patients, we tested two independent cohorts of COVID-19 positive patients with quantitative nucleosome immunoassays and found that nucleosomes were highly elevated in plasma of COVID-19 patients with a severe course of the disease relative to healthy controls and that both histone 3.1 variant and citrullinated nucleosomes increase with disease severity. Elevated citrullination of circulating nucleosomes is indicative of neutrophil extracellular trap formation, neutrophil activation and NETosis in severely affected individuals. Importantly, using hospital setting (outpatient, inpatient or ICU) as a proxy for disease severity, nucleosome levels increased with disease severity and may serve as a guiding biomarker for treatment. Owing to the limited availability of mechanical ventilators and extracorporal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) equipment, there is an urgent need for effective tools to rapidly assess disease severity and guide treatment selection. Based on our studies of two independent cohorts of COVID-19 patients from Belgium and Germany, we suggest further investigation of circulating nucleosomes and citrullination as biomarkers for clinical triage, treatment allocation and clinical drug discovery.

Open Access