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Role of Performance Improvement and Instructional Design in Strategic Human Resource Management

The use of instructional design theory and approaches has been dramatically increased in the field of education. This profession has made tremendous improvement in solving real world authentic problems. Different types of instructional approaches are very effective in designing curriculum depending upon the skills, knowledge, and task requirements of courses. However, there is less literature available in the area of use of instructional design and performance improvement in strategic HRM. Instructional design is a very innovative field and it can do wonders in the areas of complex problem solving, knowledge construction, and performing real authentic tasks in the business scenarios, if the principles, approaches and theories of instructional design with performance improvement models are adopted in a right context and with alignment of organization task requirements. This paper is an attempt to strengthen the role of human resource as a strategic business partner through insinuating and integrating the fields of human performance improvement and instructional design in a business context. We call the 21st century the era of strategic human resources. There are so many convoluted HR roles and verbiages in the field of training and development, learning at the workplace, talent management, and compensation. There are abundance of books written on the role of human

Perception of Professionals towards Effectiveness of Human Resource Information System

Organizations are facing stiff market and other external pulls and pushes, thus HR will become vital source for managing future challenges. HRIS is an information system that makes use of computers to monitor, control, and influence the movement of human beings from the time they indicate their intention to join an organization till the time they separate from it. The purpose of the HRIS is to provide service, in the form of accurate and timely information, to the clients of the system. As there are a variety of potential users of HR information, it may be used for strategic, tactical, and operational decision making (e.g., to plan for needed professionals in a merger), to avoid litigation (e.g., to identify discrimination problems in hiring), to evaluate programmes, policies, or practices (e.g., to evaluate the effectiveness of a training programme), and/or to support daily operations (e.g., to help managers monitor time and attendance of their professionals). However, in order to maximize HRIS success, researchers and practitioners have to know more about its underlying drivers. The study is undertaken looking to the importance of HRIS in the organizations. The paper identifies the factors of HRIS as perceived by professional users. This study is also an attempt to study the impact of designation on identified factors of Human Resource Information System (HRIS). The results of this research will increase researchers comprehension on difference in factors that influence effectiveness of senior and middle-level professionals.

Customer-centric Compensation Plans: Linking Compensation Plans of Employees in Indian Restaurants with Expectations of Customers

The paper attempts at establishing alignment between compensation plans for employees in restaurants with customer preferences obtained by means of an exploratory research. The findings of the research indicate that food & beverage, cleanliness & comfort, assurance, personal attention, and special feeling are the dominant factors shaping customer expectations in India. Two different categories of customers were identified based on whether they prioritized dining experience or the tangibles associated with service. Ranking of priorities was done on the basis of the mean scores obtained in each of the factors mentioned above. For customers prioritizing tangibles, Special Feeling obtained the lowest score and featured at the bottom of the list. Food & Beverage, on the other hand, remained the top priority for customers across both categories. For the purpose of designing pay-for-performance plans, restaurants were categorized on the basis of their target customer segment. The percentage of variable pay was decided on two factors, (i) degree of control enjoyed by the employee and (ii) strategic importance of the particular function. The kitchen staffs were assumed to have suitable control over the Food & Beverage factor and the front-house staffs over the factors Assurance, Personal Attention and Special Feeling. To ascertain the strategic importance of a particular factor, the score obtained by it as well as its rank in the priority list were taken into consideration. Following this, suitable parameters for assessing the performance of employees were identified and their relevance discussed in some detail.
