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The ALMA-QUARKS Survey. I. Survey Description and Data Reduction

This paper presents an overview of the QUARKS survey, which stands for “Querying Underlying mechanisms of massive star formation with ALMA-Resolved gas Kinematics and Structures.” The QUARKS survey is observing 139 massive clumps covered by 156 pointings at Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) Band 6 (λ ∼ 1.3 mm). In conjunction with data obtained from the ALMA-ATOMS survey at Band 3 (λ ∼ 3 mm), QUARKS aims to carry out an unbiased statistical investigation of massive star formation process within protoclusters down to a scale of 1000 au. This overview paper describes the observations and data reduction of the QUARKS survey, and gives a first look at an exemplar source, the mini-starburst Sgr B2(M). The wide-bandwidth (7.5 GHz) and high-angular-resolution (∼0.″3) observations of the QUARKS survey allow for the resolution of much more compact cores than those could be done by the ATOMS survey, and to detect previously unrevealed fainter filamentary structures. The spectral windows cover transitions of species including CO, SO, N2D+, SiO, H30 α, H2CO, CH3CN, and many other complex organic molecules, tracing gas components with different temperatures and spatial extents. QUARKS aims to deepen our understanding of several scientific topics of massive star formation, such as the mass transport within protoclusters by (hub-)filamentary structures, the existence of massive starless cores, the physical and chemical properties of dense cores within protoclusters, and the feedback from already formed high-mass young protostars.

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Open Access
The Clumpy Structure of Five Star-bursting Dwarf Galaxies in the MaNGA Survey

The star-forming clumps in star-bursting dwarf galaxies provide valuable insights into understanding the evolution of dwarf galaxies. In this paper, we focus on five star-bursting dwarf galaxies featuring off-centered clumps in the Mapping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory survey. Using the stellar population synthesis software Fitting Analysis using Differential evolution Optimization, we obtain the spatially resolved distribution of the star formation history, which allows us to construct the g-band images of the five galaxies at different ages. These images can help us to probe the evolution of the morphological structures of these galaxies. While images of a stellar population older than 1 Gyr are typically smooth, images of a stellar population younger than 1 Gyr reveal significant clumps, including multiple clumps which appear at different locations and even different ages. To study the evolutionary connections of these five galaxies to other dwarf galaxies before their star-forming clumps appear, we construct the images of the stellar populations older than three age nodes, and define them to be the images of the “host” galaxies. We find that the properties such as the central surface brightness and the effective radii of the hosts of the five galaxies are in between those of dwarf ellipticals (dEs) and dwarf irregulars (dIrrs), with two clearly more similar to dEs and one more similar to dIrrs. Among the five galaxies, 8257-3704 is particularly interesting, as it shows a previous starburst event that is not quite visible from its gri image, but only visible from images of the stellar population at a few hundred million years. The star-forming clump associated with this event may have appeared at around 600 Myr ago and disappeared at around 40 Myr ago.

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Open Access
The GPU phase folding and deep learning method for detecting exoplanet transits

ABSTRACT This paper presents GPFC, a novel Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) Phase Folding and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) system to detect exoplanets using the transit method. We devise a fast-folding algorithm parallelized on a GPU to amplify low signal-to-noise ratio transit signals, allowing a search at high precision and speed. A CNN trained on two million synthetic light curves reports a score indicating the likelihood of a planetary signal at each period. While the GPFC method has broad applicability across period ranges, this research specifically focuses on detecting ultrashort-period planets with orbital periods less than one day. GPFC improves on speed by three orders of magnitude over the predominant Box-fitting Least Squares (BLS) method. Our simulation results show GPFC achieves 97 per cent training accuracy, higher true positive rate at the same false positive rate of detection, and higher precision at the same recall rate when compared to BLS. GPFC recovers 100 per cent of known ultrashort-period planets in Kepler light curves from a blind search. These results highlight the promise of GPFC as an alternative approach to the traditional BLS algorithm for finding new transiting exoplanets in data taken with Kepler and other space transit missions such as K2, TESS, and future PLATO and Earth 2.0.

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Open Access