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Strategi Pembelajaran Dengan Menggunakan Media Pembelajaran Kahoot Pada Mata Kuliah PAK Anak

Currently, learning conditions in the modern era are still often used in the form of providing information and rarely use existing technology, therefore this is no longer effective. The use of strategies in learning is very necessary because it can facilitate each learning process in achieving optimal results. . With a learning strategy, it can make learning activities run as expected by the teacher and achieve optimal results where students can easily follow the learning process. Learning activities carried out inside and outside the classroom require a media. There are various forms of learning media used today, such as audio, visual, motion, and so on. The intensity of using technology in learning is very important, but not just using technology as a learning medium or what they use but how the media is used. Descriptive qualitative research method used by researchers with individual interviews, direct observation and using library research in supporting the acquisition of the final results of the research. The purpose of this study was to determine the use of Kahoot! which is used as one of the choices of learning media in varied learning strategies so that the absorption of material is increased and the situation feels more pleasant so that the results of this study indicate that lecturers can easily provide understanding and students more easily absorb material in learning PAK Anak courses, and provide benefits for a university in implementing innovative digital learning.

Open Access
Pembentukan Moral dan Spiritualitas Berbasis Pusat Pengembangan Anak (PPA)

This study was to determine, describe and analyze the formation of moral and spirituality based on the "Kuria" child development center in adolescents in Poopoh Village, Tombariri District, Kab. Minahasa. This study uses a qualitative (descriptive) approach which was carried out at PPA “Kuria” Poopoh 2021. The data collected through observation, interviews, and documentation have been analyzed and resulted that (1) the formation of morals and spirituality in adolescents has been maximized with the existence of several programs such as retreats, discipleship, bible camp, recording, memorizing verses and other programs; (2) These programs are carried out by following the schedule determined by the staff, usually 2 meetings a week and for other programs carried out during holidays; (3) The existence of supporting factors, namely cooperation between mentors, staff and parents in supporting the program to run well; (4) As well as the existence of inhibiting factors from within teenagers who have been affected by technological sophistication such as online games and the environment; (5) The efforts made were very good, namely by approaching and trying to be friends with the children. From the data findings and research results, it is recommended for staff and mentors as well as parents to continue to control the association of children and provide coaching and more creative programs to attract children's attention in activities.

Pendidikan Agama Kristen Dalam Keluarga: Pengembangan Nilai Mealtable Sharing Terhadap Keharmonisan Hubungan Kasih Antara Orang Tua dan Anak Di Jemaat Gmim Bukit Sion Mapanget

The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the development of the values ​​contained in Mealtable Sharing related to the value of harmony in the family, the process of developing the value of mealtable sharing in the GMIM Bukit Sion Mapanget Congregation in relation to the harmonious relationship of love between parents and children, Inhibiting factors in the process of developing the Value of Mealtable Sharing on the Harmony of Love Relationships between Parents and Children in the GMIM Bukit Sion Mapanget Congregation, and the efforts made by parents and Church leaders in overcoming the inhibiting factors related to the development of the Value of Mealtable Sharing on Harmony The Relationship of Love between Parents and Children in the GMIM Bukit Zion Mapanget Congregation. This research method is a descriptive qualitative research conducted at the GMIM Bukit Sion Mapanget Congregation. Data were collected through observation, interviews and documentation studies. From the results of the analysis and interpretation of the data obtained that: (1). Eating together and talking together "mealtable sharing" is often done by families in which there is an atmosphere to give love to each other, is a place for teaching and educating children, can strengthen harmonious relations between parents and children and can improve children's development. The values ​​found when sitting down to eat together include togetherness, respect, harmony, gratitude for the blessings that God has given so as to create a harmonious loving relationship between parents and children. (2). The inhibiting factors are the lack of parental time due to busy work and the distance that separates them, the child's lack of trust in parents, and the presence of technological developments that limit the interaction between parents and children. (3). There is also the role of parents by providing time from a lot of busy work, creating a comfortable atmosphere and teaching about wisdom in using cellphones. (4). There is also the role of Church leaders through preaching and pastoral services to be able to direct the understanding of parents to be examples and role models, take advantage of technological sophistication, introspect themselves, and rebuild trust with children. From the results of data exposure, findings, and discussion, it is necessary for parents and families to understand the importance of sitting down to eat and talk together at the dining table so that they can strengthen the harmonious loving relationship between parents and children.

Open Access