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Correlations Between Shoulder and Hip Joints in Professional Male Rugby Players and Their Impact on Body Balance

Introduction: The game of rugby is becoming more and more popular, despite the fact that it is a collision sport in which skill plays a large role. In the training process, great importance is placed on the development of general physical fitness, in particular, on strength, power and muscular endurance.Aim: The aim of this study is to analyse the co-organisation between range of motion, body balance, power and speed of the kick and throw in men practicing rugby.Material and methods: The study involved 19 players training rugby on the Extraleague team of MKS Ogniwo Sopot, with an average age of 27.325.49. The Inbody 270 body composition analyser, the EPSR1 mat measuring the distribution of foot pressure on the ground, the WiVA sensor for measuring the range of motion and the Tendo Unit for measuring the explosive force were used to carry out testing.Results: The results indicate that people with a higher level of balance perform a throw with more power and speed. It was also shown that the range of motion in the upper limb is directly proportional to the range of motion in the hip joint.Conclusions: In the sport of rugby, flexion and extension movements of both the shoulder and hip joints are performed alternately. Based on the results, it can be concluded that in rugby athletes, balance training deserves special attention, which may translate into greater speed and power of the throw during a game. At the same time, an increase in the range of motion when flexing the arm and an increase in the pressure on the forefoot were noted, and the inversely proportional relationship between the COP area of the whole body and the heel area of the left foot may indicate the transfer of body mass by the tested players to the metatarsal and forefoot.

Open Access
Analysis of Combat in Sport JU-JITSU during the World Championships in Fighting Formula

Background: The observation and specialized analysis of confrontations in combat sports are fundamental for making corrections in training programs as well as for modifying individual technical–tactical profiles of athletes in such activities. These actions comprehensively assess the course of sports activities and ultimately inspire and guide the type of training in academies and sports clubs. The aim of the study was a general and detailed analysis of sport fighting in JU-JITSU during a top-tier tournament, in the fighting formula for the entire competition and for each weight category. Methods: The research material consisted of multimedia recordings of sports fights taken during the World JU-JITSU Championships in the fighting formula, Wroclaw 2016. A total of 229 tournament fights were analyzed in seven weight categories. For the purpose of evaluating the structure of the fight, a retrospective analysis of the recorded empirical material was conducted, and technical–tactical preparation (TTII) indicators were calculated, both in a global tournament context and for individual weight categories. Results: Of the 229 matches, more than half were decided by the advantage of technical points (58.52%) within the regulatory fight time, while in 74 clashes, victory was declared by Full Ippon (32.31%) before the designated fight time. Activity and attack effectiveness, as well as the number of technical points, were highest in the first part of the fight. Significant variations were observed in terms of activity, attack effectiveness, and point gains for all parts of the clash, and for effectiveness in the weight categories compared to the second part. The most frequently occurring penalty was the minor shido penalty, while the offense was the lack of fighting in the second part of the duel. The total fight time was 256 s, of which 144 s were effective fighting, and 112 s were breaks. Conclusions: The analysis of sports fight observations revealed that the majority of fights ended with a technical point advantage win (58.52%), with notable activity and attack effectiveness in part I. Middleweight fighters were most active early on, while heavyweight categories dominated later phases. Attack efficiency varied across weight categories. Penalties were predominantly minor (shido), and the total fight time included 144 s of effective fighting and 112 s of breaks.

Open Access
Assessment of the functional state of the back muscles in girls with C-shaped low-grade scoliosis in a tensiomyographic image: An observational cross-sectional study.

The study aimed to test the feasibility of using tensiomyography to assess the functional status of the latissimus dorsi and erector spinae muscles in girls with C-shaped low back scoliosis. Twenty-five girls aged 13-15 took part in an observational (cross-sectional) study. The examination involved measurements using the tensiomyography method (TMG). Two groups of muscles were tested: latissimus dorsi and erector spinae on the concave and convex side of low-grade scoliosis. The following indicators were analyzed: Td-delay time, Tc-contraction time, and Dm-maximal muscle displacement. The analysis of Td revealed that values of this variable on the concave side were slightly lower compared to the convex side in both tested groups of muscles. Similarly, Tc values on the concave side were slightly lower than on the convex side of the curvature in both groups of muscles. In the case of Dm, lower displacement values and, consequently, greater muscle rigidity were observed on the concave side of the latissimus dorsi and the convex side of the erector spinae. The TMG method can be potentially used to diagnose the functional condition of muscles in patients with low-grade scoliosis. There were differences between the functional condition of the muscles on the concave and convex sides of the curvature.

Open Access
Effect of wearing high heels on the biomechanical parameters of the foot

Introduction: Today's fashion and footwear market offers a wide range of stilettos. For women, stilettos are an important part of their wardrobe, providing a sense of confidence and enhancing physical attractiveness. Unfortunately, they also raise latent concerns among healthcare professionals due to the forced position of the foot. The aim of this study is to analyse present the effect of high heels on the distribution of foot forces on the ground in adult women attending high-heels dance classes. Material and Methods: The distribution of foot forces on the ground and the body balance of HHS female students before and after the training session were investigated. Foot arch measurements were taken using EPSR1 mats (Letsens Group, Letsens S.R.L. Via Buozzi, CastelMaggiore; Bologna, Italy). Results: The foot arch test showed that the entire study population had highly arched left feet (mean arched level of 8.85%) and right feet (3.70%). Analysis of the data showed that training in high heels reduced the longitudinal arch of the right foot (p=0.04942) by increasing metatarsal pressure. Pressure on the heel of the right foot decreased (p=0.017621). Statistical analysis of the stabilographic measurements showed statistically significant changes only in the distance from the centre of pressure before and after the test (p=0.047531). Conclusions: The results suggest that the development of an abnormal longitudinal arch (flatfoot) and a reduction in body balance may be attributable to prolonged wearing of high-heeled shoes.

Open Access
Consequences of a lightning strike. Case report with suggested nursing interventions

Abstract Aim. This article is an attempt to describe the case and nursing problems of a sixteen-year-old female patient of Tytus Chałubiński Hospital in Zakopane who was admitted to the paediatric ward on 22nd of August 2019 after being struck by lightning during a hike to Giewont. Material and methods. The author has also made an attempt to determine problems during the patient’s hospitalization after the accident on the basis of Evidence Base Nursing – a nursing practice based on scientific research. Results. The phenomenon of a lightning strike leads to numerous negative health effects in the victim. These include direct consequences, such as vital functions abnormalities, injuries to multiple organs, burns, and late complications, such as persistent neurological disorders, consequences of injuries to multiple organs and mental and emotional disorders resulting from direct threat to one’s life and participation in a traumatic event. This paper attempts to describe an event of a teenager being struck by lightning and its medical consequences. Conclusions. 1. It seems expedient to develop and make available, e.g. in the form of computer programmes, standards for nursing patients after lightning strikes, which would take into account mass accidents. 2. It is necessary to develop and promote a model for hospital organisation of psychological assistance to patients (including adolescents) involved in a mass accident. It should also take into consideration later consequences of traumatic events.

Open Access
Aerobic Capacity in Relation to Selected Elements of Body Posture.

In the 21st century, with the rapid development of many human life areas, physical activity should be prevalent in health maintenance and promotion. Body posture is a motor habit characteristic of every individual. Its correctness depends on numerous aspects, e.g., physical activity, age, mental state, or eating habits. There are numerous reports in the literature on the impact of physical activity on body posture, correct foot arch development, and the level of aerobic capacity in children and adolescents, but there is a noticeable lack of assessments of these characteristics and their correlations in adults. To evaluate aerobic capacity in males and females in relation to selected body posture elements. The study involved 45 females and 46 males aged 20-21 years. The inclusion criteria involved declared good health and no contraindications. Selected somatic traits, body posture, and physical capacity indicators were determined. Physical capacity shows a significant relationship with body mass in both sexes (female: r = -0.346; p = 0.020; male: r = -0.321; p = 0.030). A significant correlation was observed between aerobic capacity and lean body mass in females (r = -0.428; p = 0.003) and body mass (r = -0.461; p = 0.001) and body fat percentage in males (r = -0.443; p = 0.002). A significant correlation was demonstrated between maximal oxygen uptake and Clarke's angle (r = -0.300; p = 0.045) in females, between maximal oxygen uptake and the loaded area of the right foot (r = -0.247; p = 0.098) in the male group, and between maximal oxygen uptake and spine lateral deviation (r = 0.352; p = 0.018) in females. There was no dimorphism between body posture elements and physical capacity except for the level of foot longitudinal arches, feet loading surface, spine lateral deviation, and the range of spine mobility in the sagittal and frontal planes. Aerobic capacity significantly influenced lean body mass (β = -0.379; p = 0.007) and spine deviation from the anatomical axis in the frontal plane in females (β = 0.287; p = 0.039) and body fat percentage in males (β = -0.443; p = 0.002). Selected body posture elements demonstrate relationships with physical capacity in both sexes. The results should find wide practical applications, e.g., in promoting a comprehensive assessment of body posture and physical capacity as determinants of health maintenance.

Open Access
The Component of Respublica Romanorum in the Constitutional Heritage of Nobiliary Polish-Lithuanian Republic (16th through 18th Centuries)

When in the 16th century in many European states, the monarchal power began to drift toward absolutism, the Polish-Lithuanian state evolved in its constitutionalism along the Republican lines. Its monarch could be brought to accountability for the violation of the law. Likewise, he was freely elected by the nobles and held his position for life. The nation of nobles that, by the standards of the time, made up a remarkable section of the entire population of the country was protected against the monarch’s attempts against their liberties by a series of remarkable privileges. And indeed, a noble’s property was prevented from being unreasonably confiscated. Likewise, an individual of nobiliary status could not be arbitrarily imprisoned. The representatives of nobles, while sitting in the benches of the Seym, had a considerable share in exercising the state power, particularly in the area of the law-creating process and when the imposing of tax liabilities was debated. In addition, the clauses of the Henrician Articles (1573), which were a kind of Fundamental Law of the Nobiliary Republic, guaranteed the mass of the nobles’religious toleration within the Christian denominations. The spirit of this toleration in practice also applied to the non-Christians (Jews and Muslim Tartars who inhabited the Republic). The republican slogans that were responsible for forming a specific frame of mind of the nobles assumed a new dimension when the culture of Latinitas type began to be promoted. The latter started to develop on the occasion of the acceptance by the authorities of the Nobiliary Republic of the principles of the Council of Trent, which happened in the 1570s. The Republic remained within the Catholic Camp. From that time on, the young nobles used to be educated in numerous Jesuit colleges and had not only a fluent command of Latin but also a profound knowledge of the history and culture of antiquity. Hence, they looked at their state, the Respublica Polonorum as a successor of the late Respublica Romanorum with the virtues of the latter. These virtues, when filtered through the system of Christian values –pushed to the foreground the concern for the welfare of the motherland, support for the democratic ethos and egalitarian spirit within the nobiliary milieu, and also the willingness to defend the Christian world against the invasion of the barbarians (the concept of Antemurale). The republican spirit survived the era of constitutional deterioration in the country that started in the mid-17th century. With the era of reforms which began in the 1760s, the constitutional improvement reached its climax in the Constitution of 3rd May 1791. Like in the British system, king was located at the position of the monarch who could do no wrong since all his executive acts required the endorsement made by the right minister. The separation of powers was emphasized. The ministers could be brought both to their political responsibility to parliament if they lost the support of the majority in the houses and also to constitutional responsibility for their contra legem acts.

Open Access
The The Relationship between Age-advanced Learners’ In-class Willingness to Communicate in English, Intrinsic Motivation, Classroom Environment and Teacher Immediacy—A Pilot Study

The article aims to scrutinize third agers’ in-class willingness to communicate (WTC) in English as well as to determine the relationship among WTC, intrinsic motivation, classroom environment, and teacher immediacy. The instrument adapted to this study was a questionnaire comprising biodata items, the in-class WTC tool (Peng & Woodrow, 2010), intrinsic motivation (Noels, Clément, & Pelletier, 2001), classroom environment (Fraser, Fisher, & McRobbie, 1996), and the teacher immediacy scale (Zhang & Oetzel, 2006). The data revealed that senior learners’ WTC was higher in meaning-focused than in form-focused activities. This finding indicates that the participants paid due attention to communicative interactions in English. Also, they were more eager to be actively involved in dyadic exercises as it might have given them a sense of security and confidence. It is noteworthy that intrinsic motivation turned out to be the strongest predictor of in-class WTC. The analysis showed that communication in English abroad and in-class was of paramount relevance for the informants. The older adults also underscored the fundamental role of the language instructor. In this respect, the students attached great importance to a non-threatening atmosphere, and the teacher’s personality traits, namely patience, professionalism, and empathy.

Open Access
COVID-19 Vaccination and Ukrainian Refugees in Poland during Russian-Ukrainian War-Narrative Review.

The outbreak of the Russian–Ukrainian war contributed to the largest migration movement in the 21st century. As a result, over 3 million refugees, mainly women, children and the elderly, arrived in Poland in a short space of time. Despite the ongoing war, it is important to remember that the COVID-19 pandemic is still present in the world, and before the outbreak of the war, Ukraine was struggling with its fifth wave. Furthermore, Ukraine has one of the lowest vaccination rates in Europe, not exceeding 40%. It is, therefore, reasonable to suspect that the vast majority of migrants have not been vaccinated. This situation may pose a significant epidemiological risk. Therefore, it is necessary to implement appropriate steps to determine the vaccination status of refugees and to supplement the vaccination with both the core and booster doses. In response to these needs, the government of Poland, like many other countries, has made it possible to provide free COVID-19 vaccination to persons fleeing war. In the face of massive migration, the overriding priority should be to ensure adequate medical care for refugees, including free COVID-19 vaccinations. However, it seems that the lack of willingness to vaccinate among Ukrainians is also replicated on migration. It seems reasonable that appropriate steps should be taken to increase awareness and confidence in vaccination, which may ultimately translate into increased vaccination uptake. Analyzing previous experiences, it is advisable to consider that the first step should be to promote vaccination and remind refugees of the possibility of free COVID-19 vaccination. Additionally, refugees should be encouraged to be vaccinated during every contact with health care workers.

Open Access