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Background: Jatropha sap (Jatropha curcas) is one of the herbal plants that contain tannins and saponins which are responsible for wound healing. Purpose: This study aims to determine the effect of the combination of Carbopol 934 and Na-CMC as a gelling agent on the physical stability of Jatropha curcas (Jatropha curcas) latex as a wound healing agent. Method: The method used in this study was to compare the combination of carbopol 934 and Na-CMC with different concentrations in the three formulations. The concentration used is 1%:4%, 1.5%:3,5% and 2%:3%. The three formulations will be tested for physical quality and tested for physical stability for 4 weeks. Then the formulation will be tested for primary irritation and incision wound healing test. Result: The results of the study showed that formulation I with a concentration of 1%:4% had a good physical quality test based on the results of tests carried out according to standards. Based on the results of the physical stability test, it showed stable adhesion results, while the pH, dispersibility and viscosity tests showed a change in storage for 4 weeks. Jatropha (Jatropha curcas) latex gel formulation did not cause primary irritation to rabbits. The three formulations have the ability to heal fast wounds on the 9th day.

Open Access
Relationship Between Length of Rehabilitation and Quality of Life for Psychoactive Substance Users in Yogyakarta

The background of this research is the use of psychoactive substances causes complex problems and becomes a threat to the state. Rehabilitation can reduce the risk of relapse of psychoactive substance abuse and the risk of crime, thereby improving quality of life. Understanding rehabilitation with quality of life has a positive impact on users of psychoactive substances. Therefore, it is essential to study the relationship between the length of rehabilitation and the quality of life of users of psychoactive substances. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the size of rehabilitation and the quality of life for users of psychoactive substances. This research method is a non-experimental observational analytic study with a cross-sectional design. The subjects of the study were users of psychoactive substances who were undergoing the rehabilitation process at the Class IIA Narcotics Prison in Yogyakarta. Quality of life was measured by the World Health Organization Quality of Life BREF (WHOQOL-BREF) instrument. The significance level of the statistical test was stated at p<0.05. Data analysis used the Spearman Rank correlation test and multiple linear regression. The results of this study carried out for two months (March to April 2021) obtained a total of 77 subjects using psychoactive substances. The length of rehabilitation has a significant positive correlation with the quality of life, indicated by the value of p = 0.048 (p <0.05) and r = 0.220, which means that the longer the respondent undergoes rehabilitation, the better the quality of his life. This study concludes that there is a significant relationship between the length of repair and quality of life for users of psychoactive substances.

Open Access
Anthelmintic Test of Combination of Carrot Peels (Daucus carota L.) and Pineapple Peels (Ananas comusus) Juice Against Silkworms (Tubifex sp)

Background: Anthelmintics is a treatment used as an anti-worm that can eradicate worms in the human and animal bodies, one of which is against silk worms (Tubifex sp). One of the plants that may be used as anthelmintics is carrot skin (Daucus carota L.) and pineapple skin (Ananas comusus). Carrot peel contains flavonoids, quercetin, and tannins as anthelmintics and pineapple peel contains flavonoids, bromealin enzymes and tannins, so researchers are interested in making a combination of carrot peel juice and pineapple peel juice as an anthelmintic against silk worms (Tubifex sp). Objective: This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the combination of carrot peel and pineapple peel juice in eradicating silk worms (Tubifex sp). Methods: The method used is the squeeze method, specific specific standardization, lethal time test, paralysis time test. , the anthelmintic activity test of the combination of carrot peel juice and pineapple peel extract with concentrations of F1 25%: 75%, F2 50%: 50%, F3 75%: 25% using positive control Albendazole 0.06% w/v. The research data were analyzed using the Oneway Anova test. Results: The results of this study showed that the combination of carrot peel extract 75%: pineapple peel 25% had the best anthelmintic effectiveness against the lethal time. The anthelmintic effectiveness test obtained from the combination of carrot juice 25%: pineapple juice 75% showed the best results during paralysis time. The lethal time test of the combination of carrot peel and pineapple juice obtained an average time of death in F1 of 15.32 minutes. In F2, the average time of death was 18.155 minutes, while in F3 it was 20.37 minutes and the Oneway Anova result was p=0.000 (p<0.05). The paralysis time test for the combination of carrot peel and pineapple juice was found to have an average paralysis time of 13.625 minutes in F1. In F2, the average paralysis time was 13,733 minutes, while in F3 18,712 minutes and the Oneway Anova result was p=0,000 (p<0,05). Conclusion: The best combination of juice for the time of death is F1 with a concentration of 25% carrot juice: 75% pineapple juice, while the best combination for paralysis time is F1 with a 25% carrot juice concentration: 75% pineapple juice. Keywords : Carrot Peels (Daucus carota L.), Pineapple Peels (Ananas comosus), Anthelmintics, Tubifex sp

Open Access

 Green tea leaves are natural materials, contains flavonoids can increase the volume of urine, This study aims to determine the diuretic effect of ethanol extract of green tea leaves in male Swiss mice.
 This study is an experimental post control group design using in male swiss mice were divided into 5 groups: group I negative control with CMC Na 0,5%, group II positive control with furosemide dose of 3,6mg/KgBB, and group III ethanol extract of green tea leaves dose of 250 mg/gBB, group IV ethanol extract of green tea leaves dose of 500 mg/gBB, group V ethanol extract of green tea leaves dose of 750 mg/gBB. Before treatment all mice were given warm water orally, then give it according to the group. Tests on the diuretic effect is done by measuring the urine volume, the measurements of to be conducted every 60 minutes for 6 hours. Data analysis was performed using SPSS 23 with One-way ANOVA test and continue LSD.
 Results of the average cumulative urine volume group I of 7,01 ml, group II of 12,98 ml, group III of 9, 13 ml, gruop IV of 12, 57 ml, and gruop V of 12, 81 ml . Furthermore, analysis of data using SPSS. LSD test results showed that the group V differ significantly with group II, ie with significant value 0,850 (p> 0.05). Based on the average volume and SPSS can be concluded that the ethanol extract of green tea leaves have a diuretic.
 Keywords: Diuretics, Infusa Green Tea Leaves, Green Tea Leave
