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Knowledge and attitude of farmers towards soil health cards in Krishna district

Soil testing is well recognized as a sound scientific tool to assess inherent power of soil to supply plant nutrients. Soil health card (soil test result) can be used to optimize the use of fertilizer in the integrated nutrient management (INM) system. It is essential to create maximum awareness among farmers about judicious use of chemical fertilizers and use of soil health cards. Ten farmers randomly selected from ten different villages that have availed soil testing technique with the total of 100 farmers. The data collect through personal interview method with the pre-tested schedule designed for the purpose. Majority of respondents had poor knowledge regarding soil testing practices but respondents with 45.00 mean per cent score had maximum knowledge regarding benefits of soil testing. While, maximum knowledge gap was observed in proper technique of sampling for horticultural crops. It was also observed that majority of farmers were in positive attitude (72%) with “Soil testing is necessary for better crop production”. Majority of the farmers (76%) did not agree with the statement that “Soil testing is wastage of time and money”. Half of the (50%) respondents expressed that expenditure of crop production decreases after soil testing. Sixty one (61) per cent adopters said that, “Soil testing is very long process”. Therefore, as per problem faced and suggested by the farmers more scientific and educational trainings and facilities are required to disseminate the technology at large.

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Open Access
Effect of on-farm trials in popularization of rice variety NDLR-7 (Nandyal Sona) in Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh

Rice crop is grown in 43934 ha in Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh during Kharif and Rabi. The traditional medium slender grain cultivar BPT-5204 is most popularly grown variety during Kharif and occupies 30-40 per cent of area in the district, which is susceptible to BPH and blast resulting in low yields and low net returns. Hence, on farm trials were conducted during 2012-13, 2013- 14 and 2014-15 with objective to assess the performance of new rice variety NDLR-7 which is medium slender short duration (130-135d) variety with tolerance to BPH and blast. During all the three years maximum number of BPH/sample was very low in NDLR-7 than BPT 5204 and maximum collections were recorded in November followed by October month. During all the years the variety recorded 6.1t/ha with average net returns of Rs.76,808/- per ha whereas BPT-5204 recorded 5.83t/ha with average net returns of Rs.68,542/ha. Because of its high yield, pest tolerance and good cooking quality it is widely accepted by farmers through horizontal spread of technology. Due to extension activities of KVK, Kalikiri area under NDLR-7 has been increased from 80ha in 2013-14 to 2000 ha in 2016-17 owing to its tolerance to BPH, fine grain and high market price and first choice of farmers, millers and traders.

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Open Access
Awareness of members about functioning of self-help group

The present study was conducted in Amravati district of Vidarbha region of Maharashtra state. The study “Awareness of members about functioning of self-help group” was conducted in Nandgaon Khandeshwar and Bhatkuli talukas of Amravati district, from this talukas ten villages selected and from each village fifteen respondents were selected on the basis of Agriculture based self-help group, 150 respondents were purposively selected for study. Exploratory research design was used for the research study. It was noticed that, half of the respondents i.e. 58.67 per cent were in middle age group, 43.33 per cent respondents were educated upto junior college level, half 51.33 per cent of the respondents were having agriculture as a occupation, majority 64.00 per cent of the respondents had medium family size, majority 60.00 per cent of the respondents had medium family income, majority 68.67 per cent of the respondents had low experience in SHG, half 51.33 per cent of the respondents had low training received, majority 64.67 per cent of the respondents had medium extension contact, majority of the respondents i.e. 74.67 per cent had medium social participation and majority of the respondents i.e. 68.67 per cent were having medium achievement motivation. In the case of awareness about functioning of self-help group 80.00 per cent respondents having high level of awareness. The independent variables namely education, family size, extension contact and achievement motivation are positively significant with awareness about the functions of self-help group at 0.01 level of probability. Whereas the variables namely family income and training received are positively significant with awareness about the functions of self-help group at 0.05 level of probability. The variables namely family occupation and social participation are non-significantly correlated with awareness about the functions of self-help group. Whereas the variables namely age and experience in SHG are negatively significant with awareness about the functions of self-help group.

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Open Access