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Multianalyte Approach-Including Automated Preparation of Calibrators-for Validated Quantification of 82 Drugs in Whole Blood by Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry.

Bioanalysis, such as the quantification of drugs in different matrices, is of great importance in forensic toxicology. Nowadays, mainly so-called multianalyte approaches are used given their increased speed and effectiveness. However, such multianalyte procedures can be difficult to develop and maintain with sufficient robustness in the laboratory. One aspect of this is the tedious, manual preparation of spiking solutions containing such a great number of analytes. Therefore, the current study aimed to develop and validate a fast, simple, and robust liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) method for the quantification of 82 classic drugs and to evaluate an alternative autosampler-assisted automated approach for the preparation of spiking solutions. Simple protein precipitation of 200-μL whole blood was used followed by analysis by reversed-phase LC-MS/MS in advanced scheduled multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) mode. The method was fully validated according to international guidelines, including selectivity, recovery, matrix effects, linearity, bias/imprecision, processed-sample stability, and limits. Validation criteria were fulfilled for all analytes except for buprenorphine and five benzodiazepines. In the context of a multianalyte procedure, a (multipurpose) autosampler-assisted automatic preparation of calibrator spiking solutions proved comparable to manual preparation. Thus, automated preparation can overcome the frequently performed manual, time-consuming, and error-prone steps of multianalyte approaches and still allow for customized calibration ranges. Since its introduction, more than 8000 cases have been measured with the presented method, and 35 proficiency tests have been passed.

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Improving the Determination of Carbon Isotope Ratios of Endogenous Steroids Found in Human Serum.

The determination of serum concentrations of testosterone (T) and 4-androstenedione (A4) was implemented into the steroidal module of the Athlete Biological Passport in 2023. Monitoring T, A4, and the ratio of T/A4 in a longitudinal manner enables the detection of the misuse of low-dose T administrations especially in female athletes, whereas urinary markers of the steroid profile may not be influenced significantly. In contrast to the urinary steroid profile, knowledge on confounding factors regarding serum concentrations of T and A4 is yet comparably scarce, and corroborating exogenous sources of the target analytes by isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) is desirable. In a recent study, it was demonstrated that carbon isotope ratios (CIRs) of serum steroids can be determined if analyte concentrations permit. The therein-employed method utilized 2D-GC/IRMS, and only a limited number of potential endogenous reference compounds were available. The here-presented approach uses complementary analyte purification strategies, addressing previous limitations. A high-performance liquid chromatography cleanup was developed and fully validated for serum steroids in order to enable all doping control laboratories to potentially implement this method alongside existing protocols for urinary steroids. Besides the already-investigated endogenous steroids cholesterol, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, androsterone sulfate, and epiandrosterone sulfate, two additional steroids were included in the test menu, namely, pregnenolone sulfate and 5-androstene-3β,17β-diol sulfate. Serum steroid concentrations down to 25 ng/mL were found to allow robust CIR determinations, and a reference population encompassing 124 male and female athlete samples was investigated to enable the calculation of population-based thresholds for all relevant steroid combinations.

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Rapid Analytical Method for Quantification of Gamma-Hydroxybutyrate (GHB) in Hair by UPLC-MS/MS.

Gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB), an endogenous compound related to the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), is used as a therapeutic and recreational drug and as a "weapon" in drug-facilitated crimes. The very short window of detection of GHB in conventional matrices (blood and urine) makes necessary the use of alternative matrices like hair. Hair has a long window of detection and the possibility to perform segmental analysis, which makes it very useful for proving GHB intake. In the present work, a method for quantification of GHB in hair was developed and validated. Hair (10 mg) was washed twice with dichloromethane and then incubated at room temperature with Milli-Q water in an ultrasound bath for 30 min. Analysis was performed by UPLC-MS/MS using a CORTECS UPLC HILIC (1.6 μm), 2.1 × 100-mm column, and a gradient with acetonitrile and ammonium acetate (10 mM) at pH 6.0, with a total run-time of 10 min. For detection, a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer in ESI negative mode was used. The method was validated, following the criteria established in the "AAFS Standard Practices for Method Validation in Forensic Toxicology" guideline, obtaining satisfactory results for linearity (0.5-50 ng/mg), accuracy (95.0%-103.2%), imprecision (< 10.2%), limit of detection (0.1 ng/mg) and quantification (0.5 ng/mg), exogenous selectivity (no interferences), matrix effect (less than -44.2%), extraction efficiency (> 86.4%), process efficiency (> 46.1%), and autosampler stability (< 4.3%). The method was used for the analysis of 26 authentic hair samples, 25 from non-drug users, obtaining values between < LOQ and 6.25 ng/mg of endogenous GHB and 1 from a former GHB chronic user to prove abstinence.

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Step-By-Step Procedure to Identify Previously Unknown Compounds by LC-QTOF-MS Exemplified by an Intoxication With the Methaqualone Analog SL-164.

In September 2019, a 22-year-old man with a history of drug abuse presented to the hospital with altered mental status. Due to a suspected drug overdose, a blood sample taken on admission and a urine sample collected 30 h thereafter were submitted to our laboratory to test for illegal drugs, pharmaceutical substances, and designer drugs. During the routine toxicological analysis of the serum sample, morphine and phenobarbital were identified by liquid chromatography-quadrupole-time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LC-QTOF-MS). Additionally, two compounds showing identical accurate masses and isotope ratios as the designer benzodiazepine diclazepam and the benzodiazepine lormetazepam were found. However, retention times differed significantly from the expected values, and the acquired MS/MS spectra did not match the library entries of the two compounds, indicating the presence of two previously unknown substances. After further investigation, SL-164 (5-chloro-3-(4-chloro-2-methylphenyl)-2-methyl-4(3H)-quinazolinone), a methaqualone analog, which has recently emerged on the research chemical market, and its hydroxy metabolite were tentatively identified by accurate mass, isotope matching, and plausible fragmentation. However, for unequivocal confirmation and quantification, a reference standard is required. As no reference material was available by the end of 2019, SL-164 was obtained from an online shop, and its identity and purity (97.8%) were confirmed by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The subsequent quantitative analysis revealed a concentration of 390 ng/mL SL-164 in serum. In the urine sample, the parent compound was not detected, but three suspected monohydroxylated metabolites were found. This example shows that LC-QTOF-MS is a powerful approach for the (tentative) identification of unknown compounds in biological matrices.

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Human phase-I metabolism of three synthetic cannabinoids bearing a cumyl moiety and a cyclobutyl methyl or norbornyl methyl tail: Cumyl-CBMEGACLONE, Cumyl-NBMEGACLONE, and Cumyl-NBMINACA.

Synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonists (SCRAs) continue to show high prevalence on the new psychoactive substances drug market. Around 2019-2020, new SCRAs bearing a cumyl moiety emerged: Cumyl-CBMEGACLONE and Cumyl-NBMEGACLONE, carrying a cyclobutyl methyl (CBM) and a norbornyl methyl moiety (NBM) attached to the γ-carbolinone core. These were followed by Cumyl-NBMINACA, the indazole carboxamide analog of Cumyl-NBMEGACLONE. The study aimed at evaluating the human phase-I metabolism of these compounds and at identifying suitable urinary markers to prove their consumption. After enzymatic hydrolysis, 14 authentic urine samples (eight for Cumyl-CBMEGACLONE, four for Cumyl-NBMEGACLONE, and two for Cumyl-NBMINACA) were analyzed by liquid chromatography-quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Results were compared with in vitro metabolites generated by pooled human liver microsomes incubation. Fifteen human phase-I metabolites were identified for Cumyl-CBMEGACLONE, nine for Cumyl-NBMEGACLONE, and thirteen for Cumyl-NBMINACA. The main in vivo metabolites were built by monohydroxylation, dihydroxylation, or trihydroxylation. The following urinary biomarkers are suggested for detecting the consumption of the investigated SCRAs: products of monohydroxylation at the CBM and at the core for Cumyl-CBMEGACLONE; two products of monohydroxylation at the norbonyl methyl tail for Cumyl-NBMEGACLONE; and metabolites built by dihydroxylation at the NBM substructure and by an additional hydroxylation at the cumyl moiety for Cumyl-NBMINACA.

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