What will happen as an applicant in department of education if you have the power

Answer from top 10 papers

As an applicant within a Department of Education possessing power, one would likely be able to influence educational policies and practices. Power, as defined in the context of these papers, can manifest as the right to command and the obligation to respect or apply such commands (Tursina, 2023). This could enable the applicant to shape the learning environment and processes, ensuring that students actively develop their potential in various competencies (Murphy, 2018). Moreover, the power held by an individual in an educational setting can be connected to the idea of authentic self-creation and the balance of tensions in dialogical education (Aydın, 2023).
However, it is important to note that power and authority in education are not solely derived from one's position but also from intellectual knowledge and the voluntary acknowledgment of influence by subordinates (Tursina, 2023). Additionally, leadership in education, particularly in the context of the 5.0 era, requires the internalization of visionary competencies and the ability to implement concrete actions to achieve educational goals (Sarid, 2014). Empowerment of educational supervisors, which includes trust, authority, encouragement, and responsibilities, is also crucial for the effectiveness of supervision (Todorova & Belovski, 2018).
In summary, possessing power as an applicant in a Department of Education would entail the capacity to contribute to the development of educational strategies, the empowerment of staff, and the facilitation of effective educational leadership (Setiawan et al., 2022). The exercise of such power must be aligned with the overarching goals of the education system and the responsibilities of educational leaders (Sufiani & Putra, 2020). It is essential that any exercise of power is conducted within the framework of statutory provisions and with a clear understanding of the roles and limitations associated with the position (Setiawan, 2017; Sugiyanto & Kamil, 2023).

Source Papers

Educational Leaders and Inclusive Special Education: Perceptions, Roles, and Responsibilities

<p><em>Educational leaders, including principals and district leaders, are the primary special education leaders in public schools today. They are ultimately responsible for the successful implementation of inclusive special education programs, as outlined by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (2004). Yet, educational leaders continually report they lack the knowledge and skills to effectively oversee inclusive education programs. The research that examines the perceptions, roles, and responsibilities of educational leaders related to inclusive education programs is extremely limited. Therefore, guided by transformational leadership theory, this qualitative case study explores the perceptions, roles, responsibilities of school and district leaders who oversee successful inclusive education programs. The findings suggested that educational leaders value the philosophy of inclusion. The predominant themes that arose were culture, collaboration, limited staff, purposeful inclusion, consideration of individual needs, acceptance, relationships, appreciation of diversity, and student learning. Educational leaders described their role in inclusive education programs as collaborators, problem solvers, professional developers, and facilitators. The findings from this study can serve as a basis for discussion regarding the strengths and needs of current practices for inclusive education. These discussions can be utilized to analyze current strengths, and potential needs for refinement of practices, policies, and procedures.</em></p>

Open Access
Eğitim Kurumu Yöneticilerinin Yönetsel Süreçlerdeki Rolünün İncelenmesi

In this study, it is aimed to examine the role of managers working in educational institutions in managerial processes. Educational management and school management, rules related to educational management, management processes and principles, roles, duties, responsibilities of the school administrator, issues to be considered in school management and management functions in school management are generally discussed in this study. The administration of an educational institution is a more limited concept included in the concept of educational management. The goals of the education system also shape the management of the educational institution. The principal of the school is responsible for the educational institution. The school principal should determine the goals of the school in accordance with the goals of the education system. It should make all stakeholders of the school active in order to achieve the targeted goals. The success of the school principal depends on ensuring harmony and coordination in the school and being able to fulfill the roles expected of him. The duties that the school principal must perform in his school are clearly stated and explained in the legislation. There is no written expression of some problems or momentary situations faced by the school principal in school management in the legislation. The work experience and experience of the manager are effective in solving such problems. In this study, the expectations of the education manager to find managerial solutions to the problems he experienced while managing the educational institution were also evaluated in this context. Key Words: Educational Institutions, Educational Managers, Managerial Processes

Open Access
Optimizing Educational Leadership: Building Sustainable Education in the 5.0 Era

Leadership is a sensitive issue because it involves whether or not an educational institution is being led. Leaders have the power to move and influence the tasks that their duties and responsibilities must carry out. This study aims to describe school principals as leaders of educational institutions in the 5.0 era, internalize the EMASLIM-FM concept for the function of educational leadership in the 5.0 era and describe school principals as visionary education leaders in the 5.0 era. This research is a qualitative type, using a library research approach. Data were obtained through literature studies of books, ebooks, scientific journal articles, dissertations and other sources that pay attention to their relevance. Data analysis using comparative analysis. The analysis results show that in the EMASLIM-FM concept, the school principal has the functions of educator, manager, administrator, supervisor, leader, innovator and motivator, figure and mediator. Leadership in the 5.0 era requires school principals to internalize visionary competencies for institutions so that they become plenary educational institutions. Creative leadership is essential and must be realized, considering that vision is a guideline in the wheels of leadership. The principal needs to implement the idea tangible and measurable in the leadership wheel. Concrete action in implementing the vision is the key to achieving the desired educational goals.

Open Access

The paper starts from the general approach to the content and essence of the categories of power and authority and their interrelationship at the level of theoretical analysis and practical existence and manifestation.The sources from which the power and the authority of managers emerge will be analyzed taking into account their position and role in the organizations and other forms of the existence of the managerial function.The power is the right to order and obligation to respect / apply the order - it is very present in the work and behavior of the managers. The power is visible in the area of the state activities, in the education system, among the family.The authority represents carrying out the will even when it is contrary to the interests of others. You can talk about economic, ideological, religious, media authority, the authority of political parties and interest groups.Organizations are composed of persons who perform greater or lesser degrees of authority and power. Sometimes the power and authority in the organization arise from the position of a person in the organization or from the knowledge and skills that a person possesses. Others express their authority in interpersonal relationships through their character. In practice, it is seen that individuals have formal power and no real authority.Most directly, the authority of managers is derived from their functions / activities in the enterprise, from the right to command and direct other people in their tasks and responsibilities. Their power stems from the right and the ability to create an environment in which other individuals will participate in the realization of the organization's goals, in other words, the right to create an atmosphere that will encourage people to dedicate themselves to the work and development of the enterprise.The authority of managers arises from their intellectual knowledge, often higher than the knowledge of employees, which also activates authority as a voluntary acknowledgment of influence on the subordinate.Through an analytical approach, analyzes will be made on some issues and aspects of the status of managers in the Macedonian society, through projected grouping / classification of types of managers. Also, an answer to the question of why the managerial function in the Republic of Macedonia is reviving.

Open Access
School Principal Program as a Manager in Improving the Quality of Education

In order to carry out their roles and functions as managers, school principals have the right strategy to empower educational staff through cooperative cooperation, provide opportunities for educational staff to improve their profession and encourage the involvement of all educational staff in various activities that support school programs. The purpose of this research is to obtain objective information about: the role of the principal as a manager in improving the quality of education in school institutions. Schools that are able to develop their institutions as organizations by themselves need to disclose all information owned by schools. The role of the school principal is to provide staff with access to the information needed, and to delegate authority to use it. In an effort to support and facilitate the work of subordinates, Principals need to carry out their roles in accordance with their status as school leaders. Organizational development in schools, school principals really need to trust staff and give them full authority and power to carry out their job duties. This is inseparable from the important role of the school principal as a manager in institutional management who regularly plans, organizes, directs and oversees the work carried out by his work team in each institution.

Open Access
Juridical Analysis of Government Employees Investigators’ Authority Fire Department Institutions in Fire Investigations

so far, in the regulations for the establishment of Fire Department institutions contained in the Jakarta City governor regulation number 264 of 2016 concerning the organization and work procedures of the Fire Department of Jakarta, it is stated that one of the tasks of the Fire Department, especially in the ranks of the city/regency sub-dept, mandates fire investigations. or it can be interpreted as a fire investigation, but after the authors have reviewed so far from various sources that have the results of questions and answers and their experience there are still many limitations of civil servant investigators to carry out investigations in the pre-investigation stage and until the fire investigation process, these limitations are generally related to the protection of civil servant investigators themselves and their authority in full processing in investigations. civil servant investigators are certain civil servant officials based on statutory regulations appointed as investigators and have the authority to conduct criminal investigations. the results of this study are expected to provide input to the parties in determining the extent to which fire investigation arrangements are based on statutory provisions, and position in the function and role of civil servant investigator of Fire Department in the process of investigating fire occurrence. so that every time a fire occurs, fire officers must be able to carry out fire investigations and not be carried out by other agencies. therefore, it is very necessary to have a law that regulates the duties, principals, functions, and responsibilities of Fire Department institutions and does not depend on other institutions to carry out fire investigations so that the cause of the fire is not only guesswork but is based on an investigation of facts at the scene of the case.

Open Access