What are the steps of Grounded Theory?

Answer from top 10 papers

Grounded Theory methodology (GTM) involves a series of systematic steps aimed at developing a theory that is closely tied to the data collected. The steps typically include data collection, coding (open, axial, and selective), constant comparative analysis, memo-writing, and theoretical sampling. Data collection is performed with an open mind, without preconceived hypotheses, allowing the researcher to remain grounded in the data (Al-Eisawi, 2022). Coding begins with open coding, where data are broken down into discrete parts, closely examined, and compared for similarities and differences. Axial coding follows, where these categories are related to subcategories, specifying the properties and dimensions of a category. Selective coding is the process of integrating and refining the categories around a core category (Abamonga & Cagayan, 2019; Al-Eisawi, 2022).
An interesting fact is that despite the structured nature of GTM, there is debate and evolution in its application, with different schools of thought proposing variations in the philosophical and methodological underpinnings of the approach (3, 2019; Neelam, 2022). For instance, the classic grounded theory approach emphasizes the emergence of theory from data without the influence of existing literature, while constructivist grounded theory acknowledges the researcher's influence and the subjective nature of knowledge creation (Berterö, 2012; Randall et al., 2012).
In summary, GTM is a rigorous qualitative research approach that follows a series of steps designed to develop a theory grounded in empirical data. The process is iterative and involves continuous comparison of data with emerging categories and concepts. While the steps are systematic, the application of GTM can vary depending on the researcher's philosophical stance and the specific requirements of the study (Mohajan & Mohajan, 2023; Mohajan & Mohajan, 2023; Smith et al., 2011).

Source Papers

Grounded theory methodology - has it become a movement?

There is an ongoing debate regarding the nature of grounded theory, and an examination of many studies claiming to follow grounded theory indicates a wide range of approaches. In 1967 Glaser and Strauss’s ‘‘The Discovery of Grounded Theory; Strategies for Qualitative Research’’ was published and represented a breakthrough in qualitative research; it offered methodological consensus and systematic strategies for qualitative research practice. The defining characteristics of grounded theory include: simultaneous involvement in data collection and analysis, construction of analytic codes and categories from data (not from preconceived logical hypotheses), use of the constant comparative method/analysis that involves making comparisons during all steps of the analysis, developing theory during each step of data collection and analysis, memo-writing to elaborate categories, etc., theoretical sampling aiming toward theory construction (not representativeness), and conducting a literature review after performing the analysis and developing theory. When developing a theory, identification of a core category is central for the integration of other categories into a conceptual framework or theory grounded in the data. Most grounded theories are substantive theories because they address delimited problems in specific substantive areas. (Published: 15 June 2012) Citation: Int J Qualitative Stud Health Well-being 2012, 7 : 18571 - http://dx.doi.org/10.3402/qhw.v7i0.18571

Open Access
A Design Framework for Novice Using Grounded Theory Methodology and Coding in Qualitative Research: Organisational Absorptive Capacity and Knowledge Management

Grounded theory methodology (GTM) is an extensive research methodology that is immensely active in numerous social science research fields. It is by far one of the most popular techniques applied in qualitative research. The challenge in using such methods might appear in their complexity. Several steps of coding and analysis in GTM can be fuzzy and multifaceted for novice researchers specialised in Information Systems (IS) fields, knowledge management, and broad applications of IS. The current study suggests a design framework for novices in qualitative research that presents GTM as a set of techniques characterised graphically, allowing the extraction of grounded results and a set of pragmatic analysed data classifications rather than only concentrating on implementing a grounded “theory”. Hence, the research stresses using the term “grounded techniques”, permitting the creation of grounded categories to strengthen qualitative research results' rigour. The proposed framework meticulously exemplifies how an organised set of phases in a research design can enlighten the novice researcher while conducting a study in knowledge absorptive capacity using a comprehensive GTM process to enforce the understanding of GTM techniques.

Open Access
Grounded Theory Approach: Its Steps and Procedures in a Scientific Study

Grounded Theory approach is most applicable in social issues that have limited data and literature. It is popularly used among social science practitioners since it is responsive to societal concerns. However, given its unique features, it was perceived as complicated and confusing especially for a beginner researcher. The current study was conducted to present the proper steps and procedures of grounded theory approach in qualitative research. The focus of this study is on the systematic application of the components of grounded theory in a scientific study that has limited literature and data. It aimed to determine the trustworthiness of using its method in explaining an existing social concern without bias on preconceived ideas. The combined use of purposive sampling, triangulation method, gap analysis and the elements of grounded theory approach led to theory generation after a rigorous iteration of comparative data analysis. Following the complicated process of its methodology, resulted to a conclusive finding that grounded theory approach has its dimension of difficulty, level of trustworthiness and distinctive features that would qualify as scientific study unique of its quality. Thus, the level of complication and rigor has contributed to the strength of Grounded theory approach.

Open Access
Grounded theory: an inductive method for supply chain research

PurposeDevelopment of theory remains an essential step in the evolution of supply chain management as an integrative business discipline. Supply chain research often involves phenomena possessing complex behavioral dimensions at both the individual and organizational levels. Such complexity can require the utilization of holistic and inductive approaches in order to more fully understand the behaviors associated with the phenomena. This paper aims to provide a step‐by‐step guide intended to increase researchers' understanding of the use of grounded theory (GT) methodology in supply chain contexts.Design/methodology/approachThe paper argues for GT as an appropriate method for studying emerging supply chain phenomena using an inductive, holistic approach.FindingsGT is positioned in a holistic framework of research methodologies. Next a step‐by‐step explanation of the grounded theory process is offered, illustrated by examples from the authors' own research.Originality/valueThis paper links the complex “system of systems” nature characteristic of supply chains to the need for a holistic research approach such as grounded theory. It also provides a guide for researchers, reviewers, and editors to judge sound GT. Moreover, from a practical perspective, the in‐vivo nature of GT provides recognizable solutions to managerial problems.