
Simple SummaryLemurs are the most endangered group of primates. This preliminary study, based on data from the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria’s Conservation Database, aimed to gain new insights into lemur conservation by evaluating the role played by projects led by European zoos in Madagascar. We found that these conservation initiatives may have a positive impact on wild lemur conservation. However, we believe that improved communication on conservation efforts provided for a broader range of lemur species for each project would be needed to further engage the general public. We examined wider society’s ability to achieve biodiversity conservation and management targets using lemurs as a case study. We evaluated the impact on lemur conservation in situ by conservation initiatives led by European zoos in Madagascar exploring the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria’s Conservation Database projects in terms of performed actions and achieved goals as well as communication to the public. We found that zoo-led conservation initiatives may have a positive impact on the ground and tend to achieve most conservation goals related to wild lemurs. However, we suggest that such conservation programmes should underline that they target further lemur species beyond the flagship charismatic species and that enhanced communication efforts would be beneficial to further raise public awareness.

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