
The ownership of IMB is caused by several factors that can be seen by statistical analysis, but in this case, the data is Poisson distribution so the modeling uses Poisson regression. However, the assumption of equidispersion in Poisson regression is often difficult to fulfill, resulting in a case of overdispersion. The alternative to solve the overdispersion case is Zero Inflated Poisson Regression. This study uses the number of data in each village in Sidoarjo Regency with 8 factors that are suspected to influence it, namely the number of standing buildings larger 40th (X1), Land Certificate (X2), Knowledge of IMB (X3), Knowledge of Sanctions (X4), Costs (X5), Lazy or Convoluted Bureaucracy (X6), and the Feeling of Calm in owning a building (X7), and Participation in the IMB Socialization Program (X8). The results show that the IMB ZIP Ownership Regression Model is as follows: log(μi ) = 5,470 + 2,831 × 10−4 X 2 – 8,876 × 10−6 X 3 + 1,356 × 10−4 X 4 + 2,530 × 10−4 X 6 logit(wi ) = 0,652 − 0,000244X 2 + 0,000175X 3 – 0,000996X 4 – 0,00155X 6. The models that most influence the ownership of the IMB is the Land Certificate (X2), Knowledge of the IMB (X3), Knowledge of Sanctions (X4), Lazy or Convoluted Bureaucracy (X6)

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