
This policy research paper analyses employability factors contributing to youth unemployment and also provides working recommendations for further dialogue and engagement on youth employability in the EA countries. The data and policy analyses are based on the theory of 4-Es as propounded by International Labour Organization and Youth Employment Network literature. The field research survey, focus group discussion, combined observational and consultations with key informants were major research methods used in collecting secondary and primary data and other information. Data analysis used non-parametric methods, mainly frequency, and cross tabulations.
 The study found that the governments and private sectors have not created adequate, remunerative and sustainable job opportunities to match with increasing labour force within the country through effective utilization of natural resources available and improvement of production technology within the region. Diversification of the economy is limited. The government fiscal policies and other systems have not been effective in reducing unemployment for both youths with ought and with disability.
 The paper recommends optimal employment creation conditions. The proposed implementation strategies include creation of pro-economic growth job opportunities; diversification of the economy; creation of the environment conducive for fiscal policies adjustment; increasing participation of youth with disabilities in the job planning process and strengthening the institutional capacities.

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