
This paper explores comparative material from two publications that provided mapping information on young people's transitions from care to adulthood. It draws on two samples: first, a European sample which included 9 noncommunist European countries; second, a sample of 14 postcommunist societies which included 9 European and 3 Central Asian countries. The paper outlines descriptive data on population; the placement of children living apart from their birth families; the age of leaving care; the legal and policy framework for preparation and aftercare; official (secondary) data and research; and policy and practice recommendations. The paper also discusses the application of Esping-Andersen's welfare regime typology in relation to leaving care policy. It is suggested that its application raises questions at two levels: first, in relation to leaving care policy within the sample of European countries; and second, in its relevance, at a more general level, to postcommunist societies. In conclusion, it is suggested the paper provides a starting point for further empirical and theoretical comparative work in this area.

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