
Yield response of wheat to sorghum extract and herbicide (affinity) application at different growth


  • Allelopathic water extracts are the solutionsthat are obtained from the allelopathic crops like sorghum, sunflower and brassica which have the potential to control weeds, especially when applied in combination with reduced rates of herbicides

  • Spikes m-2 Data concerning spike m-2 was significantly influenced by sorghum concentration (SC), affinity ratio (AR), application time (AT), R x T, C x R,controlvs rest, hand weeding vs herbicide, while herbicide sole, C x T, CxRxT, interaction were found nonsignificant (Table 1)

  • Mean values of the application time showed that sorghum herbage applied at tillering stage produced maximum spike m-2 which was statistically similar to sorghum herbage applied at emergence, while lower number of spike m-2 were observed when the treatments applied at 50 % at E + 50% at T

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Introduction farmers have not enough money to meet the

In Pakistan, weeds create huge problems asking price of weed management during production of crops because weed requirements carry out for the production of control is not given proper preference due to crops This is due to weeds that growing the financial status of our farmers and the among crop plants and adversely affect yield absence of education. (1 kg plant herbage and 5 liters of water) for preparation of different concentrations. The mixture (sorghum herbage and water) was sieved by muslin cloth and obtain extract of sorghum to remove sorghum crop herbage.Data were recorded by using standard methods according to Spikes m-2, Grains spike-1, thousand grains weight, Harvest index and Economical analysis. For the determination of grains spike-1 ten spikes were chosen in each plot and grains were calculated. After this process, the final data was recorded on average basis. Means were compared by using LSD test at 0.05 (level) of probability whenever the F-values were found significant [17]

Results and discussion
Herbicide sole
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