
The yield, plant characteristics (pseudostem height and girth), and relative tolerance to bunch loss of 4 banana varieties (Musa AAA Group, Cavendish subgroup) were studied over 2 crops in the semi-arid subtropics at Carnarvon, Western Australia. The varieties were New Guinea Cavendish, Chinese Cavendish, Hsien.Jen Chiao, and the most widely grown Australian variety, Williams. The marketable yield of Williams was higher (P<0.05) than the mean of the other varieties in the parent crop (70.2 v. 50.7 t/ha) and ratoon 1 crop (65.8 v. 34.4 t/ha). This was the result of lower (P<0.05) bunch loss, about 41% less over the 2 crops, than for the other varieties. Resistance to bunch loss-pseudostem breakage and bunch peduncle snap was not associated with the shorter varieties (New Guinea Cavendish and Chinese Cavendish), but resistance to choke throat was associated with the taller varieties (Williams and Hsien Jen Chiao).

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