
This study aims to quantify the gap between current and potential yields of major crops namely wheat, rice and sugarcane in eastern region of Uttar Pradesh, and the constraints that contribute to this yield gap. In the study area, yield gaps exist in different crops ranging up to 53%. In Uttar Pradesh, yield gap varied from 20.01 to 53.85%, 15.56 t0 30.10% and 5.8 to 28.89% with the average gap of 28.26%, 20.93% and 17.5% for rice, wheat and sugarcane crops respectively in the irrigated region of Uttar Pradesh. The yield gaps are mainly caused by socio-economic, credit institutional/policy related factors, extension services and lack of improved technology. Different strategies, such as integrated crop management (1CM) practices, timely supply of inputs including credit to farmers, research and extension collaboration to transfer the new technologies have been discussed as strategies to minimize yield gaps. Suggestions have been made to make credit available to resource-poor small farmers to buy necessary inputs. Efforts should be made to update farmers’ knowledge on the causes of yield gaps in crops and measures to narrow the gaps through training, demonstrations, field visits and monitoring by extension agencies to achieve high yield. The government should realize that yield gaps exist in different crops of Uttar Pradesh and therefore, explore the scope to increase production as well as productivity of crops by narrowing the yield gap and thereby ensure food security.

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