
Simple SummaryAlthough greeting is well-studied across animal species, its counterpart, leave taking, is little studied in nonhumans. Here, we review the previous limitations of leave-taking research and use this to develop a new method for studying leave taking in nonhumans. Using videos of chacma baboons in Gorongosa National Park, Mozambique, we compared behaviours at the end of social departures to nonsocial departures. We found that shifting orientation towards the direction of parting was significantly more likely in social departures compared to nonsocial departures. As the first evidence of leave taking in a wild nonhuman species, we suggest that leave taking is not uniquely human as previously argued, and that our method could be used to further explore the presence of leave taking in other nonhuman species.Leave taking is a common, possibly universal, feature of human social behaviour that has undergone very little empirical research. Although the importance remains unknown, it has been suggested to play an important role in managing separations, mitigating the risk, and increasing social bonding beyond the interaction itself. In nonhuman species, the literature is virtually absent, but identifying leave taking beyond humans may provide unique insights into the evolutionary history of this behaviour and shed light onto its proximate and ultimate function(s). Methods to study leave taking are not well-established, and the variation in definitions, measures, and control variables presented in past studies poses additional challenges. Baboons are a valuable model for investigating human behavioural evolution: as a flexible, highly adaptable, and social primate whose radiation is, similarly to humans, associated with the emergence of the African savannah biome. Using the framework and definition proposed by Baehren, we investigated the presence of leave taking in a wild, generalist primate and tested a range of candidate behaviours on prerecorded video footage: (1) self-scratching, (2) eye gaze, and (3) orientation in the direction of parting. Using multivariate analysis, controlling for interaction duration and individual variation, our results show that orientation in the direction of parting occurs predominantly before social separation events. These results indicate evidence of leave taking in a wild nonhuman population and contrast with previous ideas that this is a uniquely human behaviour. The presence of leave taking in baboons suggests a deep evolutionary history of this behaviour, warranting further investigation into its function and presence across other nonhuman primate species.

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