
Yeasts as eukaryotic microorganisms with simple, well known and tractable genetics, have long been powerful model systems for studying complex biological phenomena such as the cell cycle or vesicle fusion. Until recently, yeast has been assumed as a cellular 'clean room' to study the interactions and the mechanisms of action of mammalian apoptotic regulators. However, the finding of an endogenous programmed cell death (PCD) process in yeast with an apoptotic phenotype has turned yeast into an 'unclean' but even more powerful model for apoptosis research. Yeast cells appear to possess an endogenous apoptotic machinery including its own regulators and pathway(s). Such machinery may not exactly recapitulate that of mammalian systems but it represents a simple and valuable model which will assist in the future understanding of the complex connections between apoptotic and non-apoptotic mammalian PCD pathways. Following this line of thought and in order to validate and make the most of this promising cell death model, researchers must undoubtedly address the following issues: what are the crucial yeast PCD regulators? How do they play together? What are the cell death pathways shared by yeast and mammalian PCD? Solving these questions is currently the most pressing challenge for yeast cell death researchers.

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