
AbstractWhen two regular triangular loops with peripheral lengths which are approximately equal to the wavelength are placed on a plane and fed in parallel to form an antenna, it acquires high gain and wide bandwidth. The overall properties of this antenna can be modified by changing the geometry of the loops. We propose a Yagi‐Uda antenna consisting of these triangular elements which has high gain and wide bandwidth with a small number of loops. Some numerical results when two or three loops are used are obtained by means of the moment method based on the Hallen integral equations, and the results are compared with experimental results. With a 2‐element array antenna consisting of a radiator and a reflector, the gain variation is small over an octave frequency range (the absolute gain is as high as 9.6 dB) and the impedance is also wideband. A high‐gain, wideband operation will be achieved with a small number of elements when combined with conventional dipole directors.

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