
thin films is systematically studied by using X-ray diffraction (XRD). The PbTiO3 thin films with different average grain sizes were prepared on various substrates by a sol-gel process. The films on NaCl and fused glass are randomly grain-oriented, while those on (111)Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si are highly {100} cubic index grain-oriented . It is found from the XRD patterns of the films on NaCl that with decreasing average grain size from 230 to 80 nm, the intensities of high h index (h>l) peaks (hkl), such as (100), (110), (200), (201), (210), (211), etc., decrease rapidly and ultimately disappear, whereas another set of peaks (lkh), including (001), (002), (102), (112), etc., are still intense. This interesting result suggests that at grain size below a certain critical size an increasing number of grains no longer show 90°-domains, which is confirmed by TEM observations. Meanwhile, X-ray evidence of such a grain-size-related absence of 90°-domains is also found for PbTiO3 films on Pt(111) and fused-glass substrates. The volume fractions of single-domain grains (without 90°-domains) in the films are estimated from their XRD patterns. By combining SEM and TEM investigations, the critical grain size for the formation of 90°-domains is further determined to be near 200 nm.

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