
Alpha-amino-acid ester hydrolases are multimeric enzymes of potential use in antibiotic production. Knowledge of their structure could help to engineer these enzymes into economically viable biocatalysts. The alpha-amino-acid ester hydrolases from Xanthomonas citri and Acetobacter turbidans have been crystallized. The X. citri enzyme crystallizes in a primitive monoclinic space group (unit-cell parameters a = 90.1, b = 125.8, c = 132.1 A, beta = 90.9 degrees ). The A. turbidans enzyme crystallizes in both a primitive orthorhombic (a = 99.1, b = 104.9, c = 284.9 A) and a body-centred cubic space group with a = b = c = 342.2 A. From both enzymes, diffraction-quality crystals (resolution 3.0 A or better) were obtained. Data-collection statistics are reported for data sets from both enzymes.

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