
In the Philosophical Transactions for 1826, Part II. Mr. Herschel has given a detailed account of observations, which were made in the month of July, 1825, for the purpose of ascertaining the difference of the meridians of the Royal Observatories of Greenwich and Paris, with a computation of these observations, from which the most probable value of the difference of longitude appears to be 9 m 21 s. 6. But I have perceived that in the copy of the observations delivered to him from the Royal Observatory of Greenwich, an error of one second has been committed; as the true sidereal time of the observation made there on 21st July, ought to be 17 h 38 m 57·12 in place of 17 h 38 m 56 s. 10, set down in the Table p. 104, which he informs me was computed at the Observatory, and officially communicated to him from the Astronomer Royal. This error seems to have had its origin in the little Table at the bottom of page 103; for, on subtracting the error of the clock, 47 s. 37, from the time 18 h 8 m 30 s. 40, the true sidereal time is 18 h 7 m 43 s. 03, instead of 18 h 7 m 42 s. 03, there given. The error in the result of that day’s observations, arising from this cause, has been partly compensated by a mistake of three tenths of a second, which has occurred in calculating the combined observations of the same day, the gain of mean on sidereal time being stated to be — 4 s. 54 (pp. 120 and 122), in place of — 4 s. 24. On checking the other observations, a few trifling alterations appear to be necessary upon the Greenwich Table of sidereal time, from the data given along with it. These seem to be occasioned by different methods of calculation, and indeed are hardly worthy of notice. The French astronomers not having given the data on which the calculations of the sidereal times at Paris are founded, they are assumed to be correct.

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