
SynopsisA detailed consideration of the morphology, peritoneal and topographical relations, blood supply and certain aspects of the histology of the alimentary tube are considered in these two rare lemurines, the anatomy of which has hitherto been very incompletely known. Evidence is presented of the structural apartness ofHapalemurfromLepilemurandLemurand therefore for its separation in a separate subfamily of Lemuridæ. Differences betweenHapalemurandLepilemurare seen in the stomach, cæcum, colon, spleen, liver and gall-bladder. The resemblance of the spleen ofHapalemurto that of the marsupials proclaims its primitive status, while the fissuration and relative sizes of the main hepatic lobes show noteworthy differences in the two genera. In some respectsHapalemurapproaches the Cheirogaleinæ, but cannot be included by definition within that subfamily.

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