
AbstractThe 13hr XMM‐Newton/Chandra deep survey is the first of two extremely deep XMM‐Newton fields observed by the XMM‐OM consortium. A 120 ks Chandra mosaic, covering 0.2 deg2 , provides sensitive, confusion‐free point source detection with sub‐arcsecond positions, while the 200 ks XMM‐Newton observation provides high quality X‐ray spectroscopy over the same sky area. We have optical spectroscopic identifications for 70 X–ray sources. Of these, 42 are broad emissionline AGN with a wide range of redshifts. The optical counterparts of a further 23 sources are narrow emission line galaxies and absorption line galaxies. These 23 sources all lie at z < 1 and typically have lower X–ray luminosities than the broad‐line AGN. About half of them show significant X–ray absorption and are almost certainly intrinsically absorbed AGN. However some of them have unabsorbed, AGN‐like, power‐law components in their X–ray spectra, but do not show broad emission lines in their optical spectra. These sources may be weak, unobscured AGN in bright galaxies and their existence at low redshifts could be a consequence of the strong cosmological evolution of AGN characteristic luminosities.

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