
Rb4LiH3(SeO4)4 single crystals (1) are studied by the X-ray diffraction method at 180 K and Rb4LiH3(SO4)4 single crystals (2a–2c) are studied by the neutron diffraction method at 298 K (2a and (2b) and 480 K (2c). It is established that isostructural single crystals 1 and 2 (sp. gr. P41) have analogous systems of hydrogen bonds: chains of four XO4 tetrahedra linked by three H bonds with the central bond (2.49 A) being somewhat shorter than the terminal ones (2.52–2.54 A). In the high-temperature 2c phase, the amplitudes of atomic thermal vibrations and the degree of proton disorder in the central hydrogen bond have somewhat elevated values.

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