
We report a family with X-linked dominant Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMTX1). Three affected family members are described, who underwent detailed clinical, electrophysiological, molecular genetic, and histopathological studies. A novel isoleucine at position 127 with serine (Ile127Ser) mutation in the gap junction protein beta 1 (GJB1) gene was detected. The electrophysiological findings were consistent with a primary demyelinating neuropathy with secondary axonal loss and support this model of disease progression. All patients having the CMT phenotype and intermediate conduction velocities who are negative for CMT1A duplication/hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies (HNPP) deletion, and whose family shows a dominant trait without male-to-male transmission, should be screened for CMTX1.

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