
The press interview is one of more important journalistic genres and a source of knowledge about life in a given historical period. Research on press interviews makes it possible to determine matters relevant to the magazine’s addressees at a given time. The aim of the research was to reconstruct the media image of women’s life in 1989–1992 in the Polish women’s press. During the research procedure, attention was paid to: the dominant topics covered in the interviews, the picture of systemic transformation, the gender of interlocutors and their professional competences. The research covered 208 issues of the weekly Kobieta i Życie [Woman and Life] and 208 issues of the weekly Przyjaciółka [Best Friend]. The selection of magazines was dictated by their high circulation (over 500,000 copies). The interviews published in weekly magazines was categorized into the broadly understood social, political and economic sphere. In Kobietai Życie it was 42 interviews, in Przyjaciółka – 77. The qualitative analysis of the content allowed to group the topics of interviews into six categories: economy, politics, social assistance, education, healthcare and law.

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